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Important Dates

Find out about important dates for housing and residence life at Central Michigan University. 

Fall 2024

June 1First housing payment of $350 is due

July 1

Housing selection timeslots and instructions for incoming students will be sent to CMICH emails by 5 p.m.


Incoming student housing selection will take place in mid-July via timeslots

August 6

Roommate information will be sent to CMICH emails by 5 p.m.

August 9 

Move-in appointment information emails will be sent to CMICH emails by 5 p.m.

August 18

IMPACT move-in

August 20

Leadership Safari move-in

August 23

First-year and transfer student move-in

August 24-25

Transfer, returning and apartment resident move-in

August 26Classes begin
September 2Labor Day - no classes, University offices are closed
October 7 and 8Fall Wellness Break - no classes, University offices open for business. Halls and apartments remain open.
November 27Thanksgiving Break begins - no classes, University offices will close. Halls close promptly at 6 p.m.*
December 1Halls reopen at noon
December 13-14Commencement weekend
December 14Semester ends. Halls close promptly at 6 p.m.*

*The East Community (Celani, Emmons, Fabiano, Herrig, Saxe and Woldt) remains open during Thanksgiving, semester and spring break periods. Dining units and markets are closed. There are kitchenettes located in each residence hall and microwaves are available throughout.