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Board of Trustees

As chair of the Board of Trustees, I welcome you to Central Michigan University.

Established in 1892, CMU has more than 14,500 students on its Mount Pleasant campus and enrolled online and at locations across North America. Approximately 20 percent of CMU’s main campus students supplement their on-campus classes with online courses.

Among just five percent of U.S. universities in the highest two Carnegie research classifications, CMU offers approximately 300 academic programs at the undergraduate, master's, specialist and doctoral levels.

CMU’s outstanding faculty care for every student they teach, and university faculty and staff are committed to keeping each student on track for academic success. We are committed to student-centered learning and a culture of academic excellence to prepare students for personal and professional success.

My trustee colleagues and I are proud to serve this great institution and to help foster its continued advancement in the years to come.


Todd J. Regis, chair
CMU Board of Trustees

Resolution Affirming CMU's Commitment to Social Justice and Equity