Success is measured not only by knowledge of subject matter, but also the proven ability to apply it. Yeah, we do theory. But we know progress is driven by action. And that’s what we do.
We do faculty connections
You’ll learn by experts in the field who have done the research and bring a wealth of experience to model real-world scenarios. Our faculty keep up on the latest trends and research to relate your learning to what is happening now. You’ll be part of the conversation and build your professional network with the connections you make with faculty.
We do success
You can land an on-the-spot internship by participating in our (Enterprise Resource Planning) ERPsim Competition — a business simulation that acts as the ultimate job interview with leading companies like 3M, The Ford Motor Company and Marathon.
“The ERPsim is one of the closest things you can get to a real-life situation. I was offered a full-time job before I graduated.”
We do leadership
Australyah Coleman, senior psychology major, took her passion to be a driving force for diversity and inclusion to lead CMU’s student chapter of the NAACP. Her initiative and influence won her the national honor as the first NAACP Youth Activist of the Year. She plans to expand her leadership by becoming a civil rights or family law attorney.
We do real-world experience
Our students and faculty from the College of Medicine stepped up to help during the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic by making more than 8,000 vials needed for virus testing sites. Not only did they put their knowledge and skills to use to help save lives by increasing the capacity for test analysis, they were able to do it in our state-of-the-art labs on campus.