STAD Student Organizations

We have two very active student organizations. Participating in the student organizations are among the best experiences a student can gain from a university.

Gamma Iota Sigma NU Chapter

Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) is a college academic fraternity. Gamma Iota Sigma is an international professional fraternity organized to promote, encourage and sustain student interest in insurance, risk management and actuarial science as professions. It aims to encourage high moral and scholastic attainments and to facilitate the interaction and cooperation of educational institutions, industry, and professional organizations by fostering research, scholarship, and improved public relations.

CMU’s GIS NU Chapter was formed in 1977. Members are introduced to many people in the insurance and consulting industries. CMU’s GIS NU Chapter meetings are normally held weekly. The CMU’s NU Chapter has been recognized among the best GIS chapter in the nation. Every student who are interested in the Actuarial career is strongly encouraged to join the GIS student Chapter. Student members have opportunity to serve at different leadership roles and to network with people working in the insurance industries. The GIS NU Chapter organizes bi-weekly meetings by inviting professionals from insurance industry to make presentations and providing network opportunities for students.

For more information and activities about Gamma Iota Sigma, please visit the  GIS -Nu Chapter Facebook. You can also contact the GIS Advisor:

Jungsywan Sepanski

Statistics and Data Science Club

The Statistics and Data Science Club is the club for students interested in statistics, Data Science and related careers. The club normally holds bi-weekly meetings by having graduate students to present their research work or inviting speakers from a variety of disciplines to make presentation. Every student who is interested in the Statistics or Data Science career is strongly encouraged to join the Statistics Club. Student members have opportunity to serve at different leadership roles and to network with people working in the industries.

For more information contact the club advisor:

Jungsywan Sepanski