Field Leaders Reaction Course

Comprised of 10 different obstacles, the Field Leaders Reaction Course is more than an obstacle course. Each obstacle is designed to test participants mentally and physically, stretching them beyond their comfort zones. The FLRC develops thinking under pressure, evaluates leadership and builds trust. Participants must demonstrate initiative, teamwork and common sense while negotiating difficult physical obstacles. Leadership potential is assessed, and participants receive feedback on their leadership strengths, weaknesses and techniques.

It is a short walk from campus, making training convenient for the Army ROTC cadets — the future United States Army officers.


Thank you to all the generous donors for their contributions, as well as Central Michigan University. Thanks to John G. Kulhavi, BG (Ret), USAR and 1965 Army ROTC alum, who began the fundraising. The course is named after Aaron Kalloch, LTC (Ret) U.S. Army, chairperson of the Military Science Department 2008-2011, who presented the proposal to construct an FLRC, and the rest is history.