CMU prepares to reopen campus

President Davies announces plans to welcome back students, faculty and staff this fall

| Author: Ari Harris

Central Michigan University President Bob Davies today confirmed plans to welcome students back to the Mount Pleasant campus for the fall semester.

"The health and safety of our students, faculty and staff remains our top priority, and we will continue to closely follow guidance from local, state and national health leaders as we move forward with plans to resume in-person instruction."

Davies said the university also will offer remote and online options for students and faculty who are unable to return to campus.

"COVID-19 has changed the way higher education will be delivered in the future and requires us to think creatively and innovatively about our operations at CMU," Davies said. He said the changes will impact everything from teaching and student support services to events.

CMU's Emergency Management group is developing plans to ensure social distancing in shared spaces, such as classrooms, offices and event venues; CMU also has established new protocols for cleaning and disinfecting these common and shared areas. CMU's College of Medicine and local health officials are guiding the Emergency Management group's decision-making process, Davies said.

Last week, CMU notified students of changes in its on-campus housing: The university will reduce the number of students living in each residential suite, and an on-campus isolation and quarantine space has been established in the event of new cases of COVID-19 in the community. Faculty and staff also received information about CMU's strategic, phased return-to-campus plan, which takes effect later this month.

Davies acknowledged the uncertainties surrounding the future impact of COVID-19, but said he believes the university faculty and staff will be prepared for a safe and healthy fall semester. CMU is sharing information and updates through its Coronavirus Information Center website.

"Our university is committed to the ideals of innovation and excellence. We have the right people and the right resources for a successful academic year."

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