Several recent publications feature the scholarly work of faculty in The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions:
- Blaine Long, in the athletic training program, had a chapter published in the newly released book "The Professional's Guide to Strength and Conditioning: Safe and Effective Principles for Maximizing Athletic Performance." His chapter, "Considerations for Training Modifications," discusses the role of a sports management team and its contributions
on recovery modalities following different medical conditions.
- Kevin Fisher, in physical education and sport, published an article, "Applying Key Principles of Performance Psychology to Enhance Physical Education and Sport Programs," in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
- Natalie Douglas, division director and faculty member in speech-language pathology,
was among the authors of "Positive Culture Change in Long-Term Care: A Procedure to Enhance Speech-Language Pathologist – Certified Nursing Assistant Collaboration," published in the journal Perspectives.
- Rick Ferkel and Kevin Fisher, in physical education and sport, published a research article titled "Differences Between
Student Outcomes in High School Physical Education: Fitness Education Curriculum vs. Sport-based Curriculum," in the International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health.
- Shannon Palmer, audiology division director and faculty member, and associates have published an article in The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention titled "Newborn Hearing Screenings
for Babies Born at Home: Report from an Initiative in Michigan."