Doctoral student develops transitional strategies for AI in classrooms

Lisa Hudson, an Educational Technology doctoral student, assesses educator perspectives on AI

| Author: Kendall Weishaupt | Media Contact: Kara Owens

Lisa Hudson, an Educational Technology doctoral student, is researching educators’ perspectives and developmental strategies to address emotional challenges during the transition to AI-based instruction as well as strategies they have already implemented.   

She will conduct interviews with five teachers and survey 50-80 educators from K-12 and higher education. The interviews and surveys will assess the educators’ perspectives on AI in classrooms. Hudson also wants to explore the role of emotional support mechanisms and professional development in the transition process. 

The inspiration for her research comes from her time as an employee with the Department of the Navy. She observed the emotional responses other employees underwent when technological transformations happened in the workplace, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. She found many people had frustration, apprehension, and concerns, and leadership did not always recognize the need for professional and skill development with the new technology. 

Hudson hopes to reach both educators and policymakers with her research. Her research can inform policymakers on the educators' perspective on AI in the classroom and promote ethical and responsible use of AI in the classroom. Policymakers can then draft guidelines that protect educators and students. 

As for educators, she hopes her research will improve learning outcomes, create informed decision-making for professional development, enhance job satisfaction, and optimize resource allocation. Overall, she wants educators to feel comfortable with the transition to using AI in the classroom so that they successfully implement it into learning. 

Hudson plans on retiring soon from the Department of the Navy, and after completing her DET she wants to take on a consulting role for the government and schools. She wants to continue contributing to the transition of AI into the classroom.  

This story is brought to you by the  Office of Research and Graduate Studies.

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