CMU celebrates staff excellence

10 receive annual recognition for service to the university community

| Author: Aaron Mills

​Central Michigan University will celebrate 10 employees this month for their outstanding service to the university and its students. Recipients of the 2020-21 Staff Excellence Award are:

  • Angella Coldwell, executive secretary in Student Affairs.
  • Tim Gramza, director for Information Technology for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and College of Business Administration.
  • Sarah Kunik (posthumous recipient), executive office specialist for the Center for Clinical Experiences within the College of Education and Human Services.
  • Misheaila Neil, director for University Events.
  • Marnie Roestel, manager for Learning Systems Support in Curriculum and Instructional Support.
  • Ryan Smith, data architect team lead for data and customer relationship management in the Office of Information Technology.
  • Suzanne Sova, executive secretary for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
  • Dawn Weller, executive office specialist for Instructional Development in Curriculum and Instructional Support.
  • Bryan Whitledge, archivist manager for University Digital Records at Clarke Historical Library.
  • Tracee Wilson, coordinator for the institutional animal care and use committee, and institutional biosafety committee.

Honorees are nominated by peers and colleagues for exemplary service to others. A committee of past winners selects the honorees for excellence on the job, serving people well, communication skills, courage and effectiveness, passion for CMU, and modeling inclusiveness and respect. 

President Bob Davies will present the Staff Excellence Awards at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 21, in the Bovee University Center Rotunda. Award recipients receive a plaque and a free senior officer parking pass for a year or an equivalent gift certificate to the CMU Bookstore.

RSVP to Sarah Venman at or by calling 989-774-7194.

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