Search begins for Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Provost announces 10-member search committee
Central Michigan University Provost and Executive Vice President Nancy E. Mathews has announced the internal search for the university’s next senior vice provost for academic affairs, a key leadership position in the Academic Division, and a member of the Provost’s Advisory Council.
Jefferson Campbell, dean of the College of the Arts and Media, will serve as the search committee chair and will engage the following search committee members:
- Kendra Brown, Manager of Events & Communications, Curriculum & Instructional Support.
- Elizabeth Daum, Director, Advising Student Services, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
- Megan Goodwin, Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Services.
- Nizar Hussein, Faculty member and Internship Director, Department of Marketing, Hospitality and Logistics, College of Business Administration.
- Jennifer Laubenthal, Assessment Coordinator, College of Science and Engineering
- Blaine Long, Representative Chair of the School of Rehabilitation and Medical Sciences, and Professor of the Athletic Training Program, College of Health Professions.
- Erica Peters, Executive Assistant to the Provost, administrative support.
- Cathy Willermet, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Anthropology, and Religion, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences.
- Tyler Zimmerman, President of the Student Government Association.
The senior vice provost for academic affairs provides leadership for several areas including the Offices of Curriculum and Instructional Support, Student Success and Academic Advising, Study Abroad, the Honors Program, the National Scholarship Program, and the Academic Planning Council.
“The senior vice provost for academic affairs plays an important role in ensuring academic quality and excellence for the institution. I am particularly excited as we prepare for the reaffirmation of accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission and the implementation of the university’s Academic Vision and Plan”, Provost Mathews said.
Dr. David Patton currently serves as the interim senior vice provost for academic affairs, a role that he has held since November 2021.