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Endowment and Scholarship Contact Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​If you are currently listed in our system as the primary contact for an endowment, we communicate with you several ways each year. Most significantly, you are mailed an annual Endowment Financial Report and an invitation to our annual Scholarship and Endowment Luncheon. In addition, any thank-you letters from student recipients are also forwarded to you.

Besides having a primary contact, many endowments also have an alternate contact. This is most often a family member, friend, or another interested party who you would like kept informed about your endowment. This person is likely to transition into becoming the primary contact if and/or when you are no longer able to fulfill this role. If you have not already chosen or assigned an alternate contact for your endowment, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions prior to filling out this form, please feel free to contact the Stewardship and Donor Relations Office at 989-774-2849 or email

Endowment information

Information for alternate contact
