Faculty Support
Named Annual Lectureship
$5,000 minimum annual gift for a four-year period Lectureship gifts bring noted guest lecturers or artists to campus to speak or perform for students, faculty, and staff. These funds also may be used for public lectures or performances. The donor may
specify how the funds are used, with the approval of the university.
Named Annual Faculty Development Award
$5,000 minimum annual gift for a four-year period This fund provides an annual award to enhance a faculty member's teaching and research activities. Support for faculty research ultimately benefits students, who share in the knowledge that their professor
acquires through research.
Named Annual Young Faculty Award
$12,500 minimum annual gift for a four-year period Income from this award is applied to the annual salary and teaching and research expenses of an outstanding young faculty member. These funds enable Central Michigan University to attract and retain the
most promising young professors.
Named Annual Visiting Professorship
$50,000 minimum annual gift for a four-year period Contributions to a professorship fund are applied to the annual salary of a visiting professor. Funding these professorships allows the university and its students to benefit from talent that might otherwise
be unavailable to Central Michigan University.
Named Endowed Lectureship
Provides income for distinguished lecturers to be brought to campus. Minimum Endowment Gift: $50,000.
Named Faculty Development Fund
Provides an annual award to enhance a faculty member's teaching and research activities. Minimum Endowment Gift: $100,000.
Named Research Fund
Provides an annual award to be used for research in the area chosen by the donor and Central Michigan University. Minimum Endowment Gift: $100,000.