CMU welcomes Dr. Rasha Gargees, champion of diversity and cutting-edge technology

| Author: Robert Wang | Media Contact: Robert Wang

Help us welcome Dr. Rasha Gargees to the Department of Computer Science at CMU. She brings with her a wealth of experience and expertise in computer science and a passion for innovation and inclusivity.

Dr. Gargees' journey to CMU began with her completion of a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Missouri, where she actively participated in a program aimed at supporting underrepresented groups in academia. Her involvement in research, teaching, and academic service during this fellowship laid a solid groundwork for her current position at CMU. With a strong academic background, including master's and PhD degrees from the University of Missouri, Dr. Gargees is well-equipped to teach courses and conduct research in her areas of expertise at CMU.

Driven by her fascination with the pervasive influence of computer science across various disciplines, Dr. Gargees is particularly interested in leveraging computational techniques to develop effective solutions and drive innovation, particularly in STEM fields. She brings a dynamic perspective to the faculty, fueled by her passion for the swift pace of technological progress and its societal implications.

At CMU, Dr. Gargees has already begun making an impact by developing and teaching various courses for undergraduate and graduate students, including an introduction to text mining, alternative programming languages, and the upcoming Supervised Machine Learning course. Her research focuses on exploring cutting-edge technologies such as deep learning, artificial intelligence, IoT, and cloud/fog computing, with the aim of enhancing various aspects of daily life, from healthcare to geospatial intelligence.

"I am committed to supporting the academic community and ensuring our students' success," says Dr. Gargees. "Through interdisciplinary collaboration and a focus on industry partnerships, I am eager to further our academic and research efforts and promote STEM education among our students."

With her dedication to diversity, innovation, and academic excellence, Dr. Rasha Gargees is poised to make meaningful contributions to CMU's Computer Science department and the broader academic community. Her arrival signals a new era of growth and innovation at CMU, as the university continues its mission to inspire and educate the next generation of leaders in technology and beyond.

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