CMU DECA chapter resurges after pandemic

Making a comeback across campus

| Author: Megan Mearnic | Media Contact: Jessica Meyers

The CMU DECA chapter is making a resurgence on campus after almost nearing depletion caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The chapter was not able to meet, host fundraisers, obtain sponsorships and recruit new members to join for the past two years due to restrictions caused by the pandemic. During this time the remaining members on the executive board were able to maintain connections with each other and continue supporting each other.  

After much recruiting in the fall, CMU’s DECA Chapter is back up and running thanks to the help of Ashley Brown, a first year majoring in biochemistry. Ashley was able to work along with faculty advisors Michele Bartosek and John Gustincic to recruit new members from colleges beyond the College of Business Administration and rebuild the infrastructure of the CMU chapter. 

This semester the chapter is back in full force with weekly meetings and a fully functioning executive board. The students participating in DECA strive to achieve the same goals to develop as individuals while becoming emerging professionals and improve their soft skills.   

The team recently attended the DECA Michigan Career Development Conference in Kalamazoo where 8 out of the 12 CMU students were finalists. Those who qualified as finalist status are eligible to participate in the DECA International Career Development Conference this coming April 15-18, 2023, in Orlando, Florida.  

The CMU students who qualified for ICDC are Alexis Joslin, Isabella Derda, Ashley Brown, Hunter Waterstrat, Keifer Klee, Emma Schultz, Morgan Shropshire and Mela Hammond.  

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