CMU community invited to participate in strategic planning process

Dates announced for on-campus engagement sessions, online forms available

| Author: Ari Harris | Media Contact: Aaron Mills

Efforts to develop Central Michigan University’s next strategic plan are officially underway, and members of the university community will have several opportunities to participate in its development in the months ahead.

CMU President Bob Davies said gathering input from students, faculty, staff, alumni and partners is vital to the plan’s success. The Strategic Planning Team will hold targeted engagement sessions with multiple stakeholder groups, as well as offer general sessions open to all members of the university community.

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to participate in the following open sessions:

  • Staff: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, French Auditorium.
  • Faculty: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, Bovee University Center Auditorium.
  • Students: 1:30-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, Biosciences room 1010.
  • General (open to all students, faculty and staff): 2:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, Bovee University Center Auditorium.

In addition, university community members can provide thoughts on CMU’s mission statement and vision statement using online forms found on the strategic planning webpage. There also is an online form to provide general strategic planning feedback, including sharing thoughts on how the university can best meet the needs of students and communities, as well as what differentiates CMU from its competitors.  

Throughout the process, the Strategic Planning Team will provide updates to the university community, Davies said. There also will be opportunities for stakeholders to review and provide feedback on the draft plan before it is finalized.

Davies first announced the formation of multiple strategic planning groups at the CMU Board of Trustees Dec. 8 meeting. In January, the Strategic Planning Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Team and Strategic Envisioning Advisory Team met to review their respective roles and responsibilities, and to develop plans for the spring semester. Information about the strategic planning process, including membership in the various planning groups, is available on the strategic planning webpage.
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