Speaker Series
Spring 2025
All Clarke Speaker Series events are free and open to the public. Please contact us at clarke@cmich.edu or 989.774.3864 if you are in need of accommodation or information about connecting to online presentations via telephone.
Clarke Speaker Series: America's First Vaccinators
This lecture will explore the origins of vaccination and how it was implemented in the United States.
, Mt. Pleasant, MI
Children's Books from Around the World Celebration
On Thursday, Feb. 13 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Clarke will host the annual day of Children’s Books from Around the World. Join us for this in-person reading program.
, Mt Pleasant, MI
Clarke Speaker Series: The Salmon Capital of Michigan: The Rise and Fall of a Great Lakes Fishery
In his recent book, The Salmon Capital of Michigan: The Rise and Fall of a Great Lakes Fishery, Carson Prichard documents the experiences of the townspeople of Rogers City through the boom and bust years of the Chinook salmon fishery in Lake Huron.
Clarke Speaker Series: Michigan Railway Company. The Northern and Southern Divisions
Join Norman L. Krentel as he discusses his book: Michigan Railway Company. The Northern and Southern Divisions. Followed by a reception.
Clarke Speaker Series: From Aladdin to Sears: America’s Kit Homes
Ron Campbell, AIA, discusses Aladdin to Sears: America’s Kit Homes. A reception in the Clarke will follow this event.