University Libraries


    Adobe Photoshop Workshop (morning)

    Join this workshop to get a beginner's introduction to the powerful design tool: Adobe Photoshop! The workshop will cover the basics of working in Photoshop, beginner photo editing and photo manipulation. Attend online or in-person.

    Adobe Photoshop Workshop (afternoon)

    Join this workshop to get a beginner's introduction to the powerful design tool: Adobe Photoshop! The workshop will cover the basics of working in Photoshop, beginner photo editing and photo manipulation. Attend online or in-person.

    Clarke Speaker Series: The Salmon Capital of Michigan: The Rise and Fall of a Great Lakes Fishery

    In his recent book, The Salmon Capital of Michigan: The Rise and Fall of a Great Lakes Fishery, Carson Prichard documents the experiences of the townspeople of Rogers City through the boom and bust years of the Chinook salmon fishery in Lake Huron.

    Adobe InDesign Workshop (afternoon)

    Join this workshop to get a beginner's introduction to the powerful design tool: Adobe InDesign! This is a great tool for creating printed publications like newsletters, portfolios, brochures, magazines, and more. Attend online or in-person.

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