Beaver Island Church Records - O

John O'Brien & Adeline Brown

John - so [of] Edward

Marriage, Nov. 20, 1878:
John O'Brien, 24, born Buffalo, N.Y., fisherman
Adeline Brown, 21, born Canada - Charles, her father, is in church record but is not in
census. They probably came to the Island after the 1870 census & left before the 1880.
There are two baptisms, Feb. 1876 & July 1878.

Bapt., Sept. 16, 1879:
Agnes O'Brien, Sept. 8, 1879
Parents: John O'Brien & Adeline Brown

Same parents:
Florence Beth O'Brien, Dec. 5, 1881
Anna Laura O'Brien, Mar. 6, 1884 - died Nov. 22, 1887, age 3 1/2 years
Charles W. O'Brien, Nov. 14, 1888

Adeline O'Brien, July 2, 1937, wife [of] John O'Brien (church - all there is).
...age 79-10-14, senility; married; born Canada; [parents] Charles Brown & Julia
Bush[?] (Charlevoix).

Martin O'Brien & Ann Boyle

[Martin is called] Matthew in Charlevoix record. Born in Wisconsin.

Bapt., Feb. 25, 1894:
Jesta Veronica O'Brien, Feb. 17, 1894
Parents: Martin O'Brien & Ann Boyle


Hannah O'Donnell, Feb. 25, 1878, age 57, born Co. Donegal.
Bridgit O'Donnell, Aug. 28, 1879, age 100, born Aranmore.
Ann O'Donnell, Aug. 27, 1879, age 20, born B.I..
John O'Donnell, Dec. 16, 1893, age 68, born Aranmore - "Johnny the Rat"?

Anthony O'Donnell & Hannah O'Donnell

Anthony - "Salty"

Hannah O'Donnell, Feb. 25, 1878, age 57; born Co. Donegal (church).
Anthony O'Donnell, Jan. 9, 1912, age 96, general debility (church).
...Jan. 10, 1912, age 96-5-26; widower; St. James Twp..
...born Ire.; farmer; parents Hugh O'Donnell & Bridget Green

Anthony O'Donnell & Sophia O'Donnell

The one on King's Highway.

1864 church membership:
Anthony O'Donnell P P 36
Mrs. O'Donnell (Sophia), 35
Bridgit O'Donnell, 15 - married White Dan
Daniel O'Donnell, 12
Peter O'Donnell, 8 - married Mary Maloney, June 17, 1894; died Dec. 7, 1912
Ellen O'Donnell, 4 - married Pat McDonough, Feb. 11, 1890
Francis O'Donnell, 4 - Sept. 26, 1862
Mary Ann O'Donnell, 2 - Aug. 18, 1864

Marriage, Jan. 12, 1870:
Daniel Green, 28, born Ire., fisherman
Bridget O'Donnell, 18, born Ire.
[Witnesses:] John Kelly & Ellen Boyle

Same parents:
Michael O'Donnell, June 22, 1866
Anthony O'Donnell, Oct. 18, 1867 - lost on Clifton
Joseph O'Donnell, Aug. 20, 1869 - married Annie Roddy Rua; died Jan. 23, 1926, age
56-11-17, tabes dorsolis
Charles O'Donnell, Mar. 10, 1874 - never married; died about Dec. 25, 1946, about 70, found
dead at home frozen - the one at the Shamrock.

Anthony O'Donnell, Mar. 31, 1893, age 64 (church rec.).
...age 66-5-6, apoplexy; father ______, mother not given.
Sophia O'Donnell, July 2, 1902, old age (church).
...age 74, paralysis; widow; born Ire.; parents Mike O'Donnell & Bridgit Gallagher

Bernard O'Donnell & Margaret Curran

[In] 1870 census. Barney's Lake.

1864 church membership:
Bernard O'Donnell + 27
Margaret (Curran) O'Donnell + 26
Mary ? O'Donnell, 9
John O'Donnell, 7 - married Ona (Big Emma), daughter [of] Big Biddie
Frank O'Donnell, 5 - died Dec. 1935, age 76-7-7, "senility, partial obstructions"; single; born
Canada; farmer
Daniel O'Donnell, 3 - married Bella Daugherty, June 23, 1885
Patrick O'Donnell, 2 - [born] Sept. 20, 1862; died Nov. 7, 1895, age 33, typhoid fever
Anthony O'Donnell, an infant - [born] May 24, 1864; died June 17, 1947 in convalescent
home (church).

Bapt., Feb. 26, 1866:
Ann O'Donnell, born Feb. 24, 1866
Parents: Bernard O'Donnell & Margaret Curran

Same parents:
Margaret O'Donnell, Nov. 22, 1869
James O'Donnell, Nov. 16, 1871
Thomas O'Donnell, Nov. 14, 1873 - died Sept. 24, 1876, age 4 years
Elizabeth O'Donnell, Dec. 15, 1873 - married Peter McCafferty, Jan. 15, 1893
Johannah O'Donnell, Jan. 19, 1878
Emma O'Donnell, [birthdate] blank, but in year 1881
Catherine O'Donnell, Nov. 21, 1883 - married Thaddeus Fowle, Oct. 31, 1928, in Chicago

Margaret O'Donnell, Nov. 28, 1883 (note - 7 days after birth of Catherine), age 44; born Ire..
Bernard O'Donnell, June 19, 1906, age 76, paralytic stroke; born Ire. (church).
...Bonvid O'Donnell, June 22, 1906; widower; parents Anthony O'Donnell & Hannah
Gallagher (Charlevoix).

Charles O'Donnell & Grace Gillespie

Charles - "Charlie Strack"

1864 church membership:
Charles O'Donnell, 40
Mrs. O'Donnell (Grace Gillespie) + 35
Charles O'Donnell, 7 - married Mary Gallagher, Jan. 31, 1887
Mary O'Donnell, 4
Grace O'Donnell, 11/12 - [born] Aug. 31, 1863; married Anthony McCafferty, Jan. 7, 1891

Bapt., June 15, 1865:
Catherine O'Donnell, born July 5, 1865
Parents: Charles O'Donnell & Grace Gillespie

Same parents:
John O'Donnell, Sept. 30, 1868 - "Johnny Og," sometimes called "Johnny Strack"

Charles O'Donnell, Feb. 5, 1895, age 70; born Aranmore (church rec.).
...age 67-5-18, Bright's disease.
Grace O'Donnell, July 20, 1895, age 68, paralysis; widow; born Ire.; parents unknown (this is
in [Charlevoix] Co. records - not in church rec.).

Charles O'Donnell & Mary Gallagher

Charles - son [of] Charlie Strach

Marriage, Jan. 31, 1887:
Charles O'Donnell, 29, born Canada, farmer
Mary Gallagher, 25, born Ire. (I can't find her)

Bapt., Nov. 18, 1887:
Charles S. O'Donnell, Nov. 17, 1887
Grace Teresa O'Donnell, Dec. 21, 1891

Daniel O'Donnell & Mary

Daniel - Lably

Bapt., April 19, 1868:
Ann Margery O'Donnell, April 16, 1868
Parents: Daniel O'Donnell & Mary O'Donnell

Same parents:
Francis O'Donnell, Dec. 10, 1869
Elizabeth O'Donnell, May 10, 1872
John O'Donnell, Aug. 22, 1874 - died Feb. 26, 1899 in Charlevoix, age 25-7-0, heart disease;
single; parents Dan & Mary O'Donnell

Daniel O'Donnell, Feb. 12, 1906, age 79-7-6, old age; born Ireland (church rec.).
...age 77-6-12, heart failure; married; born Ire.; farmer; parents Daniel & Ellen
O'Donnell (Charlevoix).
Mary O'Donnell, Aug. 1, 1920, age 85, old age; widow; born Ire.; parents Mike O'Donnell &
Bridget McCauley (Charlevoix, church very incomplete).

Daniel B. O'Donnell & Belle Daugherty

Daniel - son [of] Barney of Barney's Lake

Marriage, June 23, 1885:
Daniel O'Donnell, 23, born B.I., farmer
Bella Daugherty, 19

Bapt., Aug. 2, 1885:
James O'Donnell, July 25, 1885 (they just made it)
Parents: Daniel O'Donnell & Belle Daugherty

Same parents:
Willliam O'Donnell, Aug. 28, 1886
Margaret O'Donnell, Feb. 25, 1888
Bernard O'Donnell, May 24, 1889
Mary Elizabeth O'Donnell, July 2, 1893
Francis O'Donnell, Oct. 4, 1894 - married Helen McDonough, in Detroit, April 1, 1933
Teresa O'Donnell, July 4, 1897
Daniel O'Donnell, Nov. 14, 1898

Mrs. Dan B. O'Donnell, Nov. 15, 1944, age 79.
Isabelle O'Donnell, Nov. 16, 1944, age 78-0-10, apoplexy; born Ire.; [parents] William
Daugherty & Mary Boyd.
Dan B. O'Donnell, Jan. 4, 1946, age 84, age & heart trouble (church).

Daniel F. O'Donnell

In 1860 he was living with his mother Susan. Anthony's brother.

In the 1870 census the nearest one is a Daniel with a wife Grace & a baby Anna, age 2; did the 1 st 2 babies die?

1864 church membership:
Daniel F. O'Donnell
Mrs. O'Donnell (Grace Gallagher)
Susanna, baby

Marriage, Feb. 8, 1864:
Daniel O'Donnell, 26
Grace Gallagher, 24 - I don't know who she is - daughter of the "widow Gallagher" in
church records?
[Witnesses:] James McCauley & Stella Gallagher

Bapt., April 24, 1865:
Susan O'Donnell, born April 16, 1865
John Sullivan[1]
Parents: Dan O'Donnell & Grace Gallagher

Same parents:
Ann O'Donnell, June 6, 1867
Peter Gallagher & Ellen Boyle [2]

"Farragut" O'Donnell & Mary Boyle

[Note: he is listed only under this given name in the Biographical cards as well]

From letter of Johnny Maloney's to newspaper - "When Admiral Farragut ran the blockade on Aug. 1, 1864, an Islander was at the wheel of his flagship."

This man was 32 at the time.

He has just moved from Pennsylvania, having lived there since about 1868. (See census card for wife & children.)

Bapt., April 18, 1880:
Peter O'Donnell, April 3, 1880
Parents: Farragut O'Donnell, 50, & Mary Boyle, 31

Francis O'Donnell & Grace Malloy

Marriage, Jan. 22, 1871:
Francis O'Donnell, 41, born Ire., fisherman
Grace Maloy, 35, born Ire. - Edward Martin's widow
[Witnesses:] Owen Boyle & Ann Gillespie

Bapt., May 5, 1872:
Michael O'Donnell, April 19, 1872
Parents: Francis O'Donnell & Grace Malloy

Same parents:
Hannah O'Donnell, Mar. 6, 1874

James O'Donnell

(None in census fits.)

1864 church membership:
James O'Donnell P + 25
Bridget O'Donnell P + 28
Mary, baby

Marriage, Aug. 18, 1862:
James O'Donnell, 22
Bridget O'Donnell, 25
[Witnesses:] John Dunlevy & Bridget ?

James O'Donnell & Bridgit O'Donnell

1864 church membership:
James O'Donnell
Mrs. B. O'Donnell (Bridgit)
Rose O'Donnell
Mary O'Donnell
James O'Donnell
Bessie O'Donnell
Con O'Donnell
Charles O'Donnell
John O'Donnell
- ages are blank; there is a puzzle over ages, see census card

1870 census:
Rose, 8
Mary, 6 - there is a different entry that fits here - Mary O'Donnell, father
James; mother, date, & sponsors blank
James, 4
Bridgit, 2
Cornelius, 4/12

Bapt., Aug. 2, 1863:
Rose O'Donnell, July 24, 1863 - died Dec. 2, 1901, age 36-3-15, in childbirth; born Ire. a
Parents: James O'Donnell & Bridget O'Donnell
- see above, Mary

Same parents:
James O'Donnell, Dec. 1, 1866
Bridgit O'Donnell, Aug. 23, 1868
Cornelius O'Donnell, May 7, 1870
John O'Donnell, May 22, 1872

Bridget O'Donnell (McCauley), Nov. 15, 1891, age 66; born Aranmore.
- this may not fit here.

James O'Donnell & Catherine Gallagher

James - "Shamus Colum"

Francis O'Donnell, Sept. 21, 1862
Parents: James O'Donnell & Catherine Gallagher

Same parents:
Patrick O'Donnell, Feb. 28, 1865
Bridgit O'Donnell, May 19, 1867
John O'Donnell, June 6, 1869
Ellen O'Donnell, April 18, 1871
Catherine O'Donnell, Sept. 5, 1873

John O'Donnell

There is a possibility this is Johnny Mahane, but the census shows no child D. this age. Did he die? There is a gap of six years in children at this time. His wife was Bridgit Boyle. [3]

Bapt., Oct. 22, 1863:
D. O'Donnell - died Aug. 11, 1865
Parents: J___ O'Donnell & Bridgit Boyle

Same parents:
Michael O'Donnell, Dec. 25, 1866
Mary O'Donnell, Dec. 28, 1869
Gracy O'Donnell, Feb. 12, 1871 - died Nov. 4, 1893, age 23, consumption

John O'Donnell

Marriage, April 23, 1878:
John O'Donnell, home? S___ Point, Mich., 22, born Ire., farmer
Bridgit Boyle, 20, born Canada - daughter [of] Hugh & Ellen Boyle

Bapt., Mar. 25, 1881:
Hugh O'Donnell, Mar. 23, 1881
Ann O'Donnell, April 18, 1882

Same parents:
Cecilia O'Donnell, Feb. 14, 1884

John O'Donnell

Marriage, Jan. 27, 1890:
John O'Donnell, 31, born Canada, farmer
Catherine Gallagher, 21, born Ire.

Bapt., Nov. 23, 1890:
Catherine O'Donnell, Nov. 19, 1890
Parents: John O'Donnell & Catherine Gallagher

John O'Donnell

I have no O'Donnell in the census with a son Cornelius. These ages [of daughters Bridget & Catherine in the church membership record] are right for Johnny Mahane. I feel sure this is right, the only John O'Donnell in the church roll of 1864.

1864 church membership:
John O'Donnell
Mrs. O'Donnell (Bridgit? - if Johnny Mahane)
Bridget O'Donnell, 12 - 18 in 1870 [census]
Cornelius O'Donnell, 7 - 13 in 1870 [census]; John in census?
Charles O'Donnell, 6 - 12 in 1870 [census]; Joseph in census?
Catherine O'Donnell, 4 - 10 in 1870 [census]

Bapt., Oct. 22, 186?:
D. O'Donnell, died Aug. 11, 1865
Parents: J___ O'Donnell & Bridgit Boyle

Same parents:
Michael O'Donnell, Dec. 25, 1866
Mary O'Donnell, Dec. 28, 1869
Gracy O'Donnell, Feb. 12, 1871 - died Nov. 4, 1893, age 23, consumption

John M. O'Donnell, July 5, 1906, age 88-11-15, old age; married; farmer; parents Hugh
O'Donnell & Rose O'Donnell.
- I think this is Johnny Mahane
Brigitte O'Donnell, [no death date given], age 86, old age (church).
Bridgit Boyle, age 87, old age; widow; born Ire.; parents not given.

John O'Donnell & Bridgit Gallagher

In the census. He is the right age to be the son of the widow who married "Salty" O'Donnell.

Bapt., Jan. 13, 1883:
Neal O'Donnell, Jan. 6, 1883
Parents: John O'Donnell & Bridgit Gallagher

John O'Donnell & Ona Boyle

John - son of Barney of Barney's Lake; Ona - "Emma Big Biddie."

Marriage, Nov. 26, 1881:
John O'Donnell, 24, born Canada, [occupation] blank
Ona Boyle (Emma), 27, born Ire. - daughter [of] Big Biddie

Bapt., Oct. 15, 1882:
Francis O'Donnell, Oct. 13, 1882
Parents: John O'Donnell & Emma Boyle

Same parents:
Margaret Boyle, [4] Nov. 25, 1883 - [mother rec. as] Ona Boyle here
Edward Boyle, Aug. 8, 1885 - Emma here
Mary Boyle, May 1, 1887 - Emma here
Bernard Boyle, May 31, 1889 - Una here
Bridgit Boyle, April 1, 1890 - died Nov. 14, 1894, "enteritis"
Anna Boyle, Jan. 8, 1895
Patrick Boyle, May 18, 1897

John B. O'Donnell & Mary Boyle

Benjamin J. B. O'Donnell, Jan. 14, 1921, no age given, typhoid; parents John B. O'Donnell &
Mary Boyle (church).
- I think this [the father] is Johnny Strack or Johnny Og.

Michael O'Donnell & Ann O'Donnell

Michael - "Darkey Mike"; Ann - "Nangog."

Marriage, Sept. 24, 1863:
Michael O'Donnell, 21
Sarah Battersea, 22 - Darkey Mike's 1 st wife?
[Witnesses:] Bernard O'Donnell & Anna Vaughy

Evidently married Nangog in 1886 (from 1900 census).

Bapt., April 26, 1888:
Anthony O'Donnell, Feb. 24, 1888
Parents: Michael O'Donnell & Ann O'Donnell (Nangog)

Michael F. O'Donnell & Mary Gibson

Michael - son of Susan ("Shugie"), brother of Anthony on King's Highway.

Mary (Margaret) - daughter of Robert & Julie Scally.

Marriage, Jan. 17, 1871 (2 nd marriage):
Michael O'Donnell, 23, born Ire., storekeeper
Margaret Gibson, 18, born N.Y. - died Jan. 1, 1903, in Grand Rapids
[Witnesses:] Owen O'Donnell & Catherine McCauley

He was 1 st married to Hannah Gallagher. She died May 4, 1868; born Rutland; age lost in record.

Bapt., April 26, 1868:
Michael O'Donnell, April 23, 1868
Parents: Michael O'Donnell & Hannah Gallagher

Bapt., Oct. 6, 1871:
Robert Daniel O'Donnell, Oct. 4, 1871
Parents: Michael O'Donnell & Mary (Margaret) Gibson

Same parents:
Francis O'Donnell, Nov. 2, 1873
William O'Donnell, July 6, 1875 - died? Feb. 13, 1877
Julia Mary O'Donnell, Sept. 2, 1877
Charles O'Donnell, Dec. 16, 1879
Bertrand Allen O'Donnell, Dec. 31, 1881
Walter James O'Donnell, Sept. 13, 1884 - became a priest, the 1 st to be ordained from B.I.;
died 1963
Susan Mary O'Donnell, Jan. 11, 1887
Alice O'Donnell, born 1895 in Alpena

1 It is not clear who he is - a godfather or sponsor perhaps.

2 Doesn't indicate their role, perhaps godparents.

3 The rest of this entry is crossed out, but very lightly, only three lines for all.

4 These seven children are all listed with the last name of Boyle but probably meant to record them as O'Donnell.