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Crime Prevention

General Crime Prevention Tips

Why should I care about campus safety?

Because campus safety depends on everyone -- including you! Do your part to protect against:

  • CRIME — Assaultive crime, burglary, vandalism, or theft can endanger members of the college community.
  • FIRE — On-campus fire or off, fire can destroy property and injure or kill people.
  • ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE — Too often, students don't realize the tragic effects of drug and alcohol abuse until it's too late.
  • ACCIDENTS — Motor vehicle crashes and other accidents claim more young people's lives than all other causes combined.

How can I prevent being a victim of assault?

  • Go with someone — there's safety in numbers.
  • Stay away from isolated areas.
  • Try to stay near streetlights.
  • Avoid shortcuts — alleys, parks and parking lots maybe dark and isolated.
  • If you notice unlit street lights, report them to Facilities Management at 989-774-6548.
  • Protect your valuables. Hold your purse or briefcase tightly, close to your body. Do not carry a purse or backpack hanging from your shoulder. Don't flaunt expensive jewelry.

What do I do if I think I'm being followed?

  • Cross the street. Change direction.
  • Keep looking back so the person will know you can't be surprised.
  • Go to a well-lit area, enter a store, house, residence hall, classroom or library — anywhere there are people.
  • Notice and remember as much as possible about the person so you can give a good description.
  • Locate a Blue Light Emergency Phone or telephone and contact CMU Police.

What if someone tries to rob me?

  • Don't resist. No amount of money is worth taking chances with your life.
  • Don't take risks. You can never tell if a robber is armed.
  • Notify the campus police immediately. Try to give a description that includes approximate age, height, and weight and details about hair, clothing, jewelry, scars — anything that's noticeable.

How can I keep my room and property safe?

  • Keep your doors locked.
  • Keep money and jewelry locked up and out of sight.
  • Make a record of your valuables, record model and serial numbers.
  • Do not hide a spare key.
  • Take your valuables with you when you go home during school vacations.

How do I keep my car safe and secure?

  • Always lock your doors! After driving passengers, they often forget to lock their door, double-check and make sure all doors are locked.
  • Park in well-lit areas.
  • When you arrive in the daytime, be aware of what the conditions of the parking lot will be during the night.
  • Park near lighted areas.
  • If you must keep valuables in your car, keep them locked in the trunk or out of sight.
  • Remember to maintain your vehicle. Look for wear and listen and feel for unusual sounds or shakes.

How do I keep my textbooks from being stolen?

Book theft is a serious problem on college campuses. Protect your books by:

  • Marking them with your name and driver's license number in a specific place.
  • Keeping your books with you; do not leave them unattended in public places such as the library, the testing center, or the Student Activity Center. Do not leave them on coat racks or in unsecured lockers.

Report book thefts immediately to the CMU Police Department if they were taken from an on-campus location, or the Mount Pleasant Police Department if they were taken from an off-campus location. Often, recovery may be made at the resale counter of the UC Bookstore or the Student Book Exchange.