Michigan Finance Scholars
The Michigan Finance Scholars (MFS) program prepares ambitious undergraduate students for careers in corporate finance, investment banking, asset management, and commercial banking.
Students get hands-on experience through workshops, case studies, and competitions, providing the skills and knowledge to become a strong candidate for top internships and entry-level positions, and a successful career in finance.
Become a Scholar
Any CMU student can become a Michigan Finance Scholar. The application process opens at the beginning of the fall semester in August.
- Undergraduate Central Michigan University Student
- High GPA (3.50 or higher)
Application Process
- Submit your resume to Brad Taylor at taylo3br@cmich.edu
- Complete an interview
- Pass a 50 question exam* covering math, finance, accounting, critical thinking skills, and current events
*Exam will be provided once a year in mid-September
Learning Experiences
Investment Portfolios
Gain hands-on experience managing a portfolio that includes equity, fixed income, cash, and alternative asset categories.