Michigan Finance Scholars

Michigan Finance Scholars meeting in Grawn Hall, men and women in suits sitting around a large conference table listening to a man speak

The Michigan Finance Scholars (MFS) program prepares ambitious undergraduate students for careers in corporate finance, investment banking, asset management, and commercial banking.

Students get hands-on experience through workshops, case studies, and competitions, providing the skills and knowledge to become a strong candidate for top internships and entry-level positions, and a successful career in finance.

Become a Scholar

Any CMU student can become a Michigan Finance Scholar. The application process opens at the beginning of the fall semester in August.


  1. Undergraduate Central Michigan University Student
  2. High GPA (3.50 or higher)

Application Process

  1. Submit your resume to Brad Taylor at taylo3br@cmich.edu
  2. Complete an interview
  3. Pass a 50 question exam* covering math, finance, accounting, critical thinking skills, and current events

*Exam will be provided once a year in mid-September

Learning Experiences

Investment Portfolios

Gain hands-on experience managing a portfolio that includes equity, fixed income, cash, and alternative asset categories.

Learn More about the Celani Investment Portfolio Learn more about the Bob Oros Investment Fund Learn more about the Martha Seger Investment Fund