Scholarships in Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion

The Department of Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion offers several scholarship and award opportunities for majors and minors within the programs.

The 2025-2026 Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion scholarship applications are available on CMU Scholarship Universe. If you have any questions regarding scholarships offered by the Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion department, please send an email to

Scholarship application dates: February 3, 2025 - March 21, 2025

CMU Scholarship Universe

Karen L. Mohr Chavez Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded annually to an anthropology major. The scholarship was established in memory of Karen L. Chavez, a former Central Michigan University faculty member of anthropology/archaeology.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Sophomore, junior or senior standing.
  • Anthropology major.
  • Minimum 3.4 GPA.

Kendall W. Folkert Memorial Endowment

The Kendall W. Folkert Award was established in 1987 in memory of Kendall W. Folkert, former chairperson in the Department of Religion, for a graduating senior who has been admitted to a graduate program in South or East Asian studies or undergraduates pursuing graduate work in South or East Asian studies through a study-aboard program.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Seniors: must be admitted to a graduate program in South or East Asia studies.
  • Undergraduates: must be pursuing work in South or East Asia studies through a study aboard program. First-year students are not eligible to apply.
  • Preference is given to those engaged in the study of culture and to those with better academic records.

Fuller Endowed Scholarship

Scholarship awarded to help and encourage undergraduate CMU students to pursue the study of philosophy. This scholarship was established by Central Michigan University faculty member Gary Fuller, associate professor of philosophy, in 2014.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Declared philosophy major or minor with junior or senior standing.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA in overall and in philosophy for the previous year.
  • Demonstrates strong philosophical ability and motivation.
  • Submit an essay not to exceed 500 words reflecting their interest in the study of philosophy.

Hough Award

The Hough Award is given to the Religion major student who writes the best capstone paper. 

Leslie and Leonard Lieberman Social Science Scholarship

The scholarship is awarded annually to an anthropology, social work, sociology or family studies major. The scholarship was established in memory of Leslie (professor of family studies) and Leonard (professor of anthropology) Lieberman, former Central Michigan University faculty members.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Junior or senior standing.
  • Anthropology, social work, sociology or family studies major.
  • Minimum 3.4 GPA.
  • Recipients are chosen on the basis of excellence in academic performance and writing skills as demonstrated in an essay describing career goals.

Oppenheimer-Mancuso (Lazorshak) Award

The scholarship was established in 1999 by Edith M. Lemieux. The award is given to a philosophy major or minor of senior standing who submits an outstanding essay about the necessity of teaching of ethics and/or character development in the elementary grades.

Pfeiffer Prize for Writing

The Pfeiffer Prize is given to an undergraduate student who has completed the best piece of written work in a religion class at CMU during the previous academic year.

Greg and Antoinette Rickle Scholarship

The scholarship was established in 2010 by Greg (Class of 1973) and Antoinette (Nina) Rickle (1973). The scholarship is offered every other year to an anthropology student demonstrating financial need. Philosophy, Anthropology and Religion will offer the award again in February 2025.

Scholarship requirements:

  • Anthropology major.
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • Recipients will be chosen on the basis of a one-page essay explaining their specific interests in anthropology and how those interests relate to their career goals.

Study and Service Worldwide (SASW) Award

The scholarship was established to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formerly named Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work.  The scholarship supports international endeavors by students majoring in sociology, anthropology or social work (SASW).

Additional resources

In addition to the scholarships below, we encourage students to explore all the opportunities at CMU: