Thesis archives
*Overton, Mikaela, (October 2021). Parenting During a Pandemic: The Psychological Impact of COVID-10 on Parents and Children
Mitzkovitz, Cayla, (December 2020). The Relationship Between Facets of Impulsivity and Problematic Phone Use
*Todd, Mitchell, (November 2020). The Relations Among Child Psychosocial Competence, Behavior Problems, and Parenting: An Evaluation of the Psychosocial Strengths Inventory for Children and Adolescents
Bowes, Jaclyn, (November 2020). Helping the Helpers: Evaluating a Gratitude Intervention for Police Dispatchers and Crime Scene Technicians
Borgen, Aubrey, (November 2020). Family Environment and Child Obesity: Identifying Key Mechanisms
Paull, Danielle, (May 2020). The Impact of Patient Race on Seclusion and Restraint Use in Inpatient Psychiatric Units
Hamilton, Halie, (December 2019). Examining the Bipolarity of the MMPI-2-RF Behavior/Externalizing Dysfunction (BXD) Scale Using Laboratory Measure of Impulsivity
Thelan, Alexandra, (November 2019). The Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale-Subtle Version: The Development of a Subtler Measure of Rape Myth Acceptance
Maffett, Anissa, (December 2018). The Role of Cognitive Control in Delaying Gratification as Measure by a Novel, Behaviorally-Based Measure for Adults
Chakranarayan, Cheryl, (November 2018). Initial Validation of the Hindi MMPI-2-RF in a Sample of Indians Living in the United States
Simms, James, (November 2018). Interpreter Vicarious Trauma: An Examination of the Mental Health Interpreter Experience
Thompke, Heather, (November 2018). Examining Common Problems and Problem Solving Skill Development in Violence Reduction Participants
Roca, Casey, (December 2017). Evaluating the Validity of the Problem Solving Skills Videos in the Violence Reduction Training Program
Detrie, Rachel, (October 2017). Examining the Validity of the Violence Reduction Treatment Program States of Change Videos
Feder, Abigail, (December 2016). The relationship between working memory, gender, and impulsivity
Schoonover, Ciera, (December 2016). Getting to Yes: The Impact of Therapist in Vivo Coaching on Parents Acquisition of Effective Child Discipline Strategies
Boress, Kaley, (December 2016). The relationship between Working Memory, Impulsivity, and Aggression
Putney, Heidi, (November 2016). The Effect of Program Dosage on Positive Anger Coping Strategies
Slocum, Caressa, (July 2016). Perceptions of Male and Female Victims of Domestic Abuse: Effect of Abuse Type, Domestic Violence Myths, and Gender Role Traditionality
White, Jacob, (February 2016). Extending the reach of interventions for children with conduct problems: Training Non-Professionals in therapeutic coaching skills
Dodd, Cody, (December 2015). A comparison of the interpretive information from the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2RF
Mysliwiec, Brandy, (December 2015). Relationship between self-report and performance based measures of social problem solving: The role of instructional sets
Egan, Ryan, (December 2015). Training non-professionals in evidence-based parenting skills: predictive characteristics of non-professional skill use
Saxena, Suchita, (November 2015). The transtheoretical model of change as applied to positive youth development
Courrege, Seth, (November 2015). The role of common method variance in MMPI-2-RF augmentation
Mansour, Nour, (October 2015). Initial Validation of the Arabic Translation of the MMPI-2-RF in a Sample of Lebanese Immigrants to the United States.
Allen, Kaylie, (December 2014). Exposure to Similar Others: Effect on Perceived Vulnerability, Efficacy Beliefs, and Behavioral Intentions Regarding Sexual Assault
Goldsworthy, Rachael, (November 2014). Are assumed differences in delay discounting and delayed gratification due to procedural variance?
Ng, Siew Li, (December 2013). The role smoking motives, outcome expectancies, and emotion regulation play in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and smoking behavior
Raak, Jacob, (December 2013). The impact of working memory deficits on in-group versus out-group helping behavior
Seymour, Bailey, (September 2013). Stigmatization of the ex-convict population: Effects of implicit and explicitly held attitudes
Bieritz, Lauren, (May 2013). Attachment style and sexual coercion in romantic relationships
Archer, Veronica, (April 2013). Perceived weight management success among chronic and episodic dieters
Michael, Kathryn, (January 2013). Eye gaze and nonverbal aspects of speech in social anxiety
McCabe, Brian, (January 2013). Clinician-perceived acceptance of MMPI-2-RF feedback: examinee personality and item content
Beck, Kara, (December 2012). From program evaluation to practice-based evidence: A wait-list control evaluation of the Anytown program
Goss, Elizabeth, (December 2012). Impact of social anxiety on identification of emotion in morphing facial stimuli
O'Neil, Rochelle, (December 2012). Cognitive ability predicts performance on a virtual reality task
Christian, Allison, (October 2012). What factors predict clinician knowledge of protocol, adoption, and satisfaction with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)?
Dolbear, Pamela, (June 2012). An analysis of the utility of the clean-up segments of the dyadic parent-child interaction coding system (DPICS) observations
Barnett, Miya, (December 2011). From treatment theory to clinical practice: How behavior observations guide in vivo coaching in parent-child interaction therapy
Holman, Krista, (November 2011). Linguistic Complexity as a predictor of violent re-offense
Kassab, Veronica, (October 2011). Development & feasibility testing of a culturally responsive HIV sexual risk-reduction intervention for gang-involved US Latino youth
Hawks, Erin, (December 2010). Bridging the science and practice of prejudice reduction: Explaining the effects of a community-based diversity acceptance program
McLaughlan, Joseph, (November 2010). Convergence of the MMPI-2-RF interpretive report with MMPI-2 computer-based test interpretation systems
Dissertation archives
Detrie, Rachel, (May 2021). Discriminatory Practices in the Alibis of the Mentally Ill and Physically Disabled
Maffett, Anissa, (April 2021). The Effects of Negative Mood on Motor Impulsivity
Barker, Heather, (January 2021). Does time from incarceration decrease stigmatization toward individuals convicted of a felony?
*Chakranarayan, Cheryl, (November 2020). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF) characteristics of ADHD in a Korean Psychiatric Sample
Simms, James, (June 2020). Medical Professionals' Attitudes Toward Mental Health Care Utilization: The Impacts of Stigma, Cognitive Fusion, and Psychoeducation
Roca, Casey, (March 2020). Post-Incarceration Community-Based Substance Use Treatment: A Comparison of Two Protocols
Schoonover, Ciera, (July 2019). Child Welfare Broker Perceptions of Acceptability of PCIT and CPP for Child Maltreatment
Feder, Abigail, (May 2019). Does the Level of Working Memory Load Predict Impulsive and Random Responding During Concurrent Decision-Making?
Slocum, Caressa, (April 2019). Changing Attitudes Towards Make Victims of Intimate Partner Abuse: Effect of a Perspective-Taking Task
Pudumjee, Shehroo, (April 2019). Evaluation of an Informant Rating Form for the MMPI-2-RF.
Putney, Heidi, (April 2019). Influence of Defendant Characteristics on Pretrial Judge Decision-Making in a Rural Jail
Saxena, Suchita, (September 2018). Using Vignettes to Predict Mental Health Service Utilization Among South Asian Americans.
Peer, Samuel, (July 2018). A Deeper Draught from the Pierian Spring: Transitional Probabilities and Time-Series Analysis of Therapist-Parent Verbal Sequences During Coaching in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.
Mysliwiec, Brandy, (July 2018). Impact of a Post-Incarceration Treatment Group on Re-Offense Rates
Boress, Kaley, (June 2018). Impact of Executive Functions on Relational Aggression
Dodd, Cody, (May 2018). Relative Validity of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form and the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0 in Assessing Juvenile Offenders
White, Jacob, (May 2018). A Comparative Evaluation of Korean MMPI-A and MMPI-A-RF Substance Abuse Scales
Courrege, Seth, (April 2018). Evaluation of the Efficacy of MMPI-2-RF Training Materials: A Q-sort Study
Egan, Ryan, (December 2017). A Brief Preventive Model of Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Out-of-home Care
Beck, Kara, (July 2017). Modeling the Pillars of PRIDE: Community-Driven Evaluation of a Substance-Abuse Prevention Program
Michael, Kathryn, (May 2017). Was it something I said? Verbal and nonverbal indicators of liking in social anxiety
Solomon, David, (December 2016). Developing a clinical measure of internalized homonegativity
Goldsworthy, Rachael, (June 2016). The value of future rewards: Factors that influence discounting rates on a human operant delay discounting task
Goss, Elizabeth, (May 2016). Electronic Leisure: The impact of extraversion, leisure medium, and social interaction on leisure benefits
Glaves, Bailey, (March 2016). Use of Video Vignettes to Improve Anger Management Treatment Outcomes
Archer, Veronica, (October 2015). Assessment of Prescription Stimulant Misuse Among College Students Using the MMPI-2-RF
Martin, Shannon, (September 2015). Impact of social anxiety on affective identification of facial morphing stimuli111
Raak, Jacob, (July 2015). The Impact of Anxiety and Heart Rate on Neuropsychological Test Performance
Kassab, Veronica, (September 2014). Examination of health and human services utilization among Chaldean Americans living in Southeastern Michigan
Barnett, Miya, (July 2014). Successful coaching strategies: How in vivo feedback styles relate to parent engagement in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Sutton, Jill, (July 2014). Improving parent report of child behavior: Investigation of a brief intervention
Holman, Krista, (May 2014). Influence of aggression training and PTSD symptoms on current aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
Christian, Allison, (May 2014). A meta-analysis of therapist training in evidence-based treatments
Smith, Erin, (August 2013). How does motivational interviewing motivate?
*Gering, Cheryl, (July 2013). The examination of an integrated model explaining social adjustment among typically developing children and children with neurodevelopmental conditions
Triemstra, Kevin, (July 2013). Father perceptions of psychological services for children: The effects of promoting services among men
Bomersbach, James, (June 2013). Seeking schema: Targeting core beliefs in social anxiety using self-report surveys, implicit association tests, and behavioral tasks
Hawks, Erin, (June 2013). Initial investigation of the effectiveness of yoga on psychological, behavioral, and physical health outcomes among juvenile delinquents
Abbenante-Honold, Emily, (February 2013). PCIT as prevention: Attitudes of Latino parents towards a parent training program
Bell, Katrina, (January 2013). Adapting an evidence-based intervention for parenting prevention: Engagement of natural helpers in Latina/o communities
McLaughlan, Joseph, (January 2013). Relative validity of the MMPI-2-RF interpretive report and MMPI-2 computer-based test interpretation systems
Gilson, Allison, (October 2012). Modeling clinical integration of the MMPI-2 Substance Abuse Scales
Suraweera, Dahamsara, (August 2012). Examining the relationship between pornography use and sexual expectancies in committed romantic relationships
Maurelli, Kimberly, (July 2012). An examination of facets of the general aggression model
Pant, Hina, (December 2011). Diagnostic validity of MMPI-2 computer based test interpretations
Smith, Felix, (December 2011). Discriminating between coercive verses deviant sexual interest
Cox, Andrew, (December 2011). Effects of augmenting response options on the psychometric properties of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-second edition-restructured form
Hatfield-Eldred, Meagan, (August 2011). The effect of working memory capacity, probability of loss, and gender on decision-making
West, Adrienne, (August 2011). The acute effects of caffeine on attention, memory, reaction time, and executive functioning
Gerhart, James, (August 2011). Social problem solving, life stress and experiential avoidance as predicators of anger and aggression
Rodriguez, Jessica, (July 2011). An examination of the effectiveness of evidence-based practices for veterans in outpatient and residential treatment settings
Currell, Catherine, (July 2011). Differential impact of risk communication methods in a sexually violent predator trial
Swan, Nathasha, (May 2011). The Swan Exercise Expectancy Measure (SEEM) in a community sample: Validation and moderation variables
* Available online at a future date.