Graduate Scholarships in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Please contact or 989-774-3341 if you have any questions about our scholarships or application procedures.

Scholarships, awards and grants

    Michael “Gio” Giordano established the Michael "Gio" Giordano Helping Professions Award in 2013 to recognize the impact of his educational experience at Central Michigan University and to provide for those who pursue the goal of helping others. This renewable award is distributed once a year to a full-time, undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Students must be studying social work, professional counseling, or psychology.

    DEADLINE: March/April 2025

    APPLICATION PROCESS: To be announced in 2025

    Dr. Alphonsus P. Niec (1942-2012) was a psychologist and an educator who saw the potential of each child to succeed. Through research, teaching and community service, Dr. Niec sought to enhance ​the lives of children who were at risk for school failure, peer and parent conflict, or delinquency. Dr. Niec continuously sought to foster a love of learning in others and to raise awareness of the needs of underserved children and families. This memorial award in his name is meant to further his legacy by supporting graduate student research projects designed to make a positive impact on the lives of at-risk children and families and maximizing the potential of qualified graduate students to succeed in their research.

    Student must be enrolled in a masters or doctoral program within the realm of human services or social and behavioral sciences (e.g., clinical psychology, school psychology, education) at Central Michigan University.

    Niec Graduate Student Research Award Application

    The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences considers undergraduate and graduate students’ participation in professional conferences to be a vital part of their education. Students who attend a professional conference or meeting at the state, national, or international level are eligible to receive up to $100 for registration fees. Only costs associated with registration will be reimbursed; no travel costs will be eligible. Undergraduate and graduate students whose research or creative endeavors are accepted for presentation at state, national, or international level conferences are eligible for up to $250 for expenses associated with the presentation. Reimbursable expenses include registration fees, travel, and lodging with reimbursement made after conference attendance.

    Deadline: Applications must be submitted prior to the conference presentation to be eligible for consideration.

    Student Conferences Grant Application

    The John E. Warriner Scholarship was established through an estate gift from the late Dr. John E. Warriner. Dr. Warriner was the author of Warriner's Handbook of English and the six-volume series English Grammar and Composition. He was the son of former Central Michigan University president Eugene C. Warriner.

    Several scholarships are awarded annually to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in anthropology, cultural & global studies, economics, English, foreign languages, history, journalism, museum studies, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, speech, social work, or sociology. Applicants must have a minimum 3.25 GPA.

    DEADLINE: March/April 2025

    APPLICATION PROCESS: To be announced in 2025

    Paper prizes

      The Student Paper Competition is an award presented annually for papers written for classes (300 level and above) within the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences during the previous academic year.

      Applicants can submit research papers, essays, creative works, theoretical papers, reviews of research, or papers presented at professional conferences.

      This competition does not include a monetary award.

      DEADLINE: May 2025

      APPLICATION PROCESS: To be announced in 2025