Thesis archives
*Adams, Sarah, (March 2021). Predictors of Workplace Aggression: A Moderated Mediation Model
*Do, Nga Quynh, (November 2020). The Role of Working Environment in Employees' Procrastination
McGill, Brad, (October 2020). Coworkers as a Look into the Future: Career Turnover Intentions of Younger Employees
*Yun, Mansik, (July 2020). Investigating the Role of Perceived Organizational Reputation in the Relationship between Work Stressors and Counterproductive Work Behavior
*Thierbach, Alexander, (May 2020). Toward a Better Understanding of Bias in Personality Based Job Analysis
Mann, Kyle, (November 2019). Getting Paid to Regulate: The Effect of Gratuity on Customer Mistreatment and Emotional Labor Outcomes
Mirando, Tyler, (November 2019). Friends at Work: Individual and Contextual Factors and Outcomes
Hlebasko, Hanna, (October 2019). Interaction between personality, organizational culture, and presenteeism.
Pohlman, Rachel, (July 2019). Compelled Behavior: How Forced Citizenship, Broken Contracts, and Psychological Entitlement Lead to Counterproductive Behavior
Reburn, Zach, (December 2018). The Effects of Overqualification, Work Experience, and Financial Need on Work Outcomes in Job Applicants: A Policy Capturing Approach
Armstrong, Ian, (July 2018). The Benefits of Nonjudgmental Awareness: Mindfulness-Based Mediation and It's Role in the Workplace and Everyday Life
Gould, Dan, (June 2018). Workplace Ostracism as it pertains to Nontask Job Behaviors: A Moderated-Mediation
Kim, Ki Ho, (May 2018) Investigating the Different Measurements of Shared Leadership
Gillain, Rusty, (November 2017). Exploring Idiosyncratic Rater Effects in Teams
Lovering, Eleanor, (November 2017). Task Conflict and Challenge-Oriented Citizenship Behavior: Distinguishing Similar Constructs at Multiple Levels of Analysis
Fleming, Alissa, (October 2017). Moderators of the Relationship Between Autonomy and Work Outcomes
Schrock, Bailey, (October 2017). An Examination of Team Satisfaction Using an Interactive Model of Leadership
Johnson, Matthew, (August 2017). Psychological Empowerment in Action: Does Job Crafting Link Empowerment to Enhanced Engagement and Reduced Exhaustion?
Woody, Brendon, (June 2017). Domain-Specific Self-Esteem as an Antecedent of Voice Behavior
Chaykovska, Kateryna, (April 2017). It Goes Both Ways: The Importance of Trust in Subordinates
Jacobsen, Alexandra, (December 2016). Leader Retaliation Through a Cognitive and Affective Lens
Hirsch, Steven, (August 2016). Priming a volunteer stereotype: Do volunteers tolerate more ambiguity?
Stupica, Aaron, (August 2016). Adaptability as an Individual Difference: Adding Clarity and Measurement
Alshanski, Scott, (June 2016). Distorted Responses in the Job Application: Using Three Response Validity Scales to Find Fakers
Attar, Stephen, (April 2016). Antecedents of Leadership Emergence in Virtual Teams
Simpson, Dorothy, (November 2015). Development and validation of the work preferences scale
Kim, Minseo, (October 2015). Linking Work Stressors to Employee's Well-Being and Behaviors: Dual Mediating Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Organization-Based Self Esteem
Stemer, Alex, (September 2015). Person-Organization Health Value Fit and Its Effect on Organizational Attraction, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention
Jeong, Ye Ra, (May 2015). Comparing applicants and incumbents: Effects of response distortion on psychometric properties of personality measures
May, Tommy, (May 2015). Development of a Situational Judgment Test for Teamwork in Medicine
Song, Jae, (February 2015). Personality, Tasks, and Fit: Resulting Task-Based Distress and Strains
Ford, Ashley, (January 2015). In the Loop: Using Control Theory to Understand Differences in Performance Feedback Outcomes as a Function of Action Orientation
Quinn, Jared, (September 2014). Personality and team role performance: The mediating effect of role preferences
Kern, Andrew, (August 2014). Type this down: Applicant perspectives on computerized note-taking practices during a selection interview
Brown, Anna, (July 2014). Social networking use as a counterproductive work behavior
Boyajian, Melanie, (June 2014). Development of a scale to measure coachability
First, Matthew, (May 2014). The effect of subordinate personality on perceived supervisor effectiveness: A policy capturing approach
Earl, Elijah, (March 2014). Bad thoughts, bad actions: Exploring workplace ego threat management through social media
Dawson, Kevin, (February 2014). The role of hindrance stressors in the job-demand-control-support model
Minjock, Robert, (September 2013). Nepotism, expected altruism, and employee theft: Family in, fortunes out? An evolutionary perspective
*Jurvelin, Brian, (August 2013). Driving distraction caused by text messaging in relation to driving self-efficacy and mobile computer self-efficacy
*Li, Meng, (August 2013). Employees' work engagement and organizational commitment as central variables in the relationship of organizational support and fit with their work-related behaviors, with collectivism as moderator
Tabarovsky, Sabrina, (December 2012). Testing interactive effects upon job attitudes: Role stressors, negative affectivity, and gender
King, Brandon, (October 2012). Strain from errors when errors are costly: Increasing resilience in high reliability organizations
Voss, Bernard, (September 2012). A trait-based interactionist analysis of contextual performance and counterproductive work behavior
*Brown, Matthew, (September 2012). The effects of employee age on performance attributions in a virtual work setting
Grossenbacher, Michael, (August 2012). Development a measure of a team role preference: Furthering an integrated model of team member behaviors
Johnson, Valerie, (July 2012). The roles of vocational interests and goal orientation in the participation in an application of continuing professional education: A perspective from the Healthcare Industry
Harvey, Jeffrey, (July 2012). Psychological meaning of money
Pfenninger, Todd, (January 2012). A comparison of multiple methods of personality-based job analysis
O'Rourke, Eric, (January 2012). Perceived customer service: A policy-capturing and organizational behavior management approach
Kochert, Johathan, (October 2011). Testing the relationship between LMX and the elements that comprise transformational leadership: Mediation and moderation
Reeves, Cynthia, (September 2011). The relationship of gender incongruence with gender role conflict and strain: the moderating effect of workplace gender expectations
Speer, Andrew, (August 2011). Examination of the Assessment Center construct-criterion relationship: Situational specificity as it relates to bandwidth fidelity and predicting job performance
Crider, Elizabeth, (August 2011). Similarity and diversity training and cross-cultural adjustment: A validation study
Dissertation archives
*Roach, Krystal, (September 2021). A Construct of One's Own: Examining the Overlap of Burnout with Depression, Anxiety, and Fatigue
*Armstrong, Ian, (June 2021). Measurements of Dispositional or Trait Mindfulness: Reexamining Existing Scales in a Workplace Context
Sizemore, Shane, (April 2021). Examining Explanatory Mechanisms for the Connection Between Humor Styles and Adaptive Performance
Johnson, Matthew, (March 2020). The Jingle-Jangle of Job Crafting: A Comprehensive Review and Evaluation of Job Crafting Concepts and Measures
Kim, Ki Ho, (February 2020). Usage of Skills Instability Scale for a Changing World of Work
Woody, Brendon, (December 2019). Core Self-Evaluation and Proteges Mentoring Network
Chaykovska, Kateryna, (October 2019). Measuring Implicit Teamwork Attitudes: The Teamwork Implicit Association Test
Schrock, Bailey, (September 2019). The Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment for Interprofessional Collaboration in Health Education
Grossenbacher, Michael, (August 2019). Examining the Potential Impact of Forced Choice Test Configurations on Test Results
Fleming, Alissa, (April 2019). Gender Bias In Sex-Typed Jobs: The Job-Candidate Match Model
Hirsch, Steven, (January 2019). The Role of Jewish Occupational Stereotypes on Resume Review Outcomes
Stupica, Aaron, (November 2018). Organizational Effects of Developing Leaders
Jacobsen, Alexandra, (September 2018). Death Awareness as a Predictor of Workplace Outcomes: A Moderated Mediation Model
Frueh, Michael, (April 2018). Leadership styles and followers' outcome: Does authentic leadership make a difference
Jeong, YeRa, (March 2018). Defying the Unconscious: Interaction between Implicit and Explicit Personality in Predicting Workplace Aggression
Cooper, Ashley, (February 2018). Expanding the Nomological Network of the Citizenship Fatigue Construct
Brown, Anna, (October 2017). Personality and the "F-Word": Constructed Situational Judgment Tests and Response Distortion
Younkins, Candace, (October 2017). Shifting a Sports Team's Front Office Culture: Introducing Organization Development to the Sports Industry
Dawson, Kevin, (October 2017). Exploring the Relationship Between Job Stress and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Moderating Role of Organizational Justice
Attar, Stephen, (August 2017). Responding to Rejection: The Effects of Promotion Expectations on Candidate Reactions
Stemer, Alexander, (August 2017). The Unique Effects of Positive and Negative Employee Health States on Job Performance
May, Thomas, (August 2017). Validation of a Situational Judgment Test for Teamwork in Medicine
Kim, Minseo, (July 2017). Can Job Crafting Explain the Effects of Empowering Leaders and Employees' Core Self-Evaluations on Employees' Well-Being and Deviant Behavior?
Simpson, Dorothy, (July 2017). The viral effect of emotions: Implicators of congruent and incongruent emotions expressed by leaders and team members
Honts, Christopher, (January 2017). The importance of Team Task Characteristics and Processes: An Empirical Examination of Team types
Osolnik, Maja, (October 2016). The causes of bullying at work: A Meta-Analysis
Pfenninger, Todd, (September 2016). Examining complementary versus supplementary team roles
Quinn, Jared, (August 2016). Using Personality-Based Profile Similarity Indices to Guide Selection Systems
Meng Li, (April 2016). Coming back to the vertical linkage dyad model: The consequences of perceived workplace favoritism in organizations
Matthew Brown, (February 2016). Proximal antecedents and outcomes of virtuality in project teams
Minjock, Robert, (August 2015). The Devil's in the Details: When Natural Views at Work Fail to Provide Benefits for Employees
McDonald, Amanda, (August 2015). Volition, Interpersonal Relationships, and Work-Related Outcomes for Temporary Employees
King, Brandon, (May 2015). The paradox of social support: Why does helping sometimes increase strains?
Billington, Alecia, (January 2015). The Role of Organizational Health Climate and Primary Appraisals of Role Stressors in Predicting Health Behaviors and Organizational Outcomes
Christensen, Matthew, (August 2014). Socially responsible consumerism: The influence of corporate reputation, price, and moral licensing on consumer product evaluations
An, Mihyang, (May 2014). Examining crossover of work to family enrichment with an actor-partner interdependent model
O'Rourke, Eric, (February 2014). McGregor's theories 50 years later: Valid constructs or pop psychology?
Kochert, Jonathon, (February 2014). Combat blues: Depression and post traumatic stress in combat
Goswami, Ashita, (January 2014). Leader's implicit fellowship theories: Resulting attitudinal and behavioral outcome
Crider, Elizabeth, (October 2013). Effects of similarity- and differences-based training on pre-departure anxiety, uncertainty, cultural perceptions, and likeliness of taking a job abroad
Kemp, Michael, (September 2013). Examining the measurement equivalence of personality scales developed for managerial selection across American and Chinese job applicants
*Dumenci, Abdullah, (August 2013). The relationship of the job situations and employees' narcissism and maximizing tendencies with organizational attractiveness and commitment
Frost, Christopher, (May 2013). The application of automated scoring techniques to predict personality and performance from job interviews
Speer, Andrew, (May 2013). Individual differences in interviewer ability: how social intelligence and general mental ability affect interview construction and judgement accuracy
Kephart, Michael, (February 2013). Determining derailment potential: Does an employee's potential for promotion matter?
Dutta, Subhadra, (February 2013). An interactive model of intrapreneurial behavior
Bennett, Misty, (May 2012). A deeper look at the antecedents of work-family conflict: The effect of generational theory and life cycle stages
Jacob, Annalyn, (February 2012). The weakest link: Examining situation antecedents of the Kohler Effect and further exploration of trait-based motivation in relation to job performance
Coaster, John, (November 2011). An investigation of ideal applicant schemas as an explanation of applicant faking behavior on personality assessments
Henson, Jeremy, (December 2011). Subordinate performance and core self-evaluations as predictors of leader rated leader-member exchange
Ragsdale, Jennifer, (July 2011). The role of resources in the weekend recovery process
Unterborn, Kate, (May 2011). Creating a performance-based social intelligence measure using a situational judgment test format
Dettmann, Joseph, (December 2010). Examining the influence of leadership on teams: Leader characteristics, contextual factors, team processes, and team effectiveness
*Available online at a future date