Welcome from Dean Lancaster

paula lancasterWelcome to the College of Education and Human Services, a home for all who are dedicated to improving the quality of life of others. Within CEHS, you will find the programs and people to help you reach your goals. Our college has more than 40-degree programs spanning undergraduate, master’s, specialist, and doctoral levels. Throughout the many, many challenges the past two years have presented, we have held fast to our commitment to offering strong programs of study to our students, ensuring our students' equitable access to educational attainment, and engaging with them in impactful community service and research.

One of our greatest assets in the college is our renowned faculty members who represent a wide range of expertise and experiences. We take pride in collaborating with our students and connecting them with professionals in their fields. Our faculty leverage these connections to offer unique hands-on, practical learning experiences to students throughout their programs which frequently lead to exciting internships and professional positions. 

A common thread running through each program is our “student-first” commitment. We recognize that each person’s learning journey is unique and based, in part, on the interests, talents, skills, and experiences they bring to our campus and classrooms. Thus, we strive to create a vibrant, inclusive campus by encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, dialog, and other skills that contribute to thriving learners and communities. Faculty engage in considerable research and scholarly endeavors, asking and attempting to answer critical questions that move their fields forward. We invite you to be a part of all of the exciting things happening in our college and at CMU. 

As the College of Education and Human Services, our foundation was formed on the ideals that we recognize and embrace the complexity of the human condition. Along with so many citizens across our country and the world, we strive to lead toward a better future for all. 

If you have questions or need information, please reach out to faculty, staff, and me. We are here for you. And we look forward to hearing from you and adding your voice to our student and alumni community. 

Dean, College of Education and Human Services

Dean Lancaster's Biography