What We Do

Through a range of services, CLS helps you earn credit with fieldwork, internships, and practicum credit programs. We reside within the Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services Administration department and are here to help you find critical work experience in your chosen field.

  • Teach the Internship Preparation course (RPL 310).
  • Supervise the Fieldwork course (RPL 318).
  • Coordinate Student Internship Experiences (RPL 320).
  • Maintain internship placement documents, information, and contacts.
  • Offer advice on internship and fieldwork placement.
  • Initiate and process department and university agreements.
  • Coordinate three separate credit programs with the Disney College Program involving students from CMU, as well as from other domestic and international universities.
Internship Site Application 
Thank you for your interest in offering an internship for our future recreation professionals. This is the culminating educational experience for our students, and the Department of Recreation, Parks, & Leisure Services Administration at Central Michigan University appreciates your desire to provide an internship opportunity.

Please fill out following form for the type of recreation internship you are offering. If you have any questions, you may contact 989.774.3984 or you may email cls@cmich.edu for further assistance.​
Type of Program