Learning and Leading Awards Nomination Form

CEHS Learning & Leading Award Nomination Form

Completing and submitting this form will nominate the student you have identified for CEHS’s Learning and Leading Award. This recognition is presented each semester to undergraduates and graduate students enrolled in CEHS programs who have consistently demonstrated excellence through performances in academic achievement, applied practices/field experiences, leadership, service, and professional learning beyond the minimal, course requirements for a certification or degree.

In completing this form, you will rate your candidate in each of the above categories and provide some additional, supporting information. This will greatly assist members of the Learning and Leading Award Committee in choosing this semester’s award recipients. Your candor in completing this form will also help to ensure that the most worthy candidates receive this significant recognition.

Please complete this form no later than 5:00 PM, Wednesday, October 30. If you have any questions or concerns about the award, the nomination form, or the manner in which recipients are selected, please feel free to contact Holly Hoffman (gerki1hh@cmich.edu).

On behalf of your nominee, the Learning and Leading Award Committee, and the College of Education and Human Services, thank you for performing this important service. Thank you also for all you have done to support CEHS students.

Directions for completing this form.

Score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):

  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 

Evaluate the performance of your candidate relative to all other students you have worked with or observed in a similar context over the past several years. Please reserve the top score of 4 for nominees whose performances have been truly and consistently exceptional in particular areas.

Although you need not go into great detail, it is important that you justify your scores. Room has been provided after each area of interest for you to describe evidence or reasoning that led you to assign the scores you provided in that category. Unsupported scores will not be valued as highly as those that have been clearly justified.

Please score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):

  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 


Please rank your candidate (0-4) in three areas:
Please score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):
  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 


Please rank your candidate (0-4) in three areas:
Please score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):
  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 


Please rank your candidate (0-4) in three areas:
Please score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):
  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 


Please rank your candidate (0-4) in three areas:
Please score all performances using the following 4-point scale (no half points allowed):
  • 0 = Performance in this area has not been observed.
  • 1 = Performance has been good but not in top 10% of all comparable students.
  • 2 = Performance has been very good = in the top 10% of all comparable students. 
  • 3 = Performance has been excellent = in the top 5% of all comparable students. 
  • 4 = Performance has been truly and consistently exceptional = in the top 1% of all comparable students. 



(e.g., attending optional trainings, conferences; independent experiences in field settings; study abroad) 

Please rank your candidate (0-4) in two areas: