Study Abroad with Educational Leadership and Higher Ed Studies
Each year the Department of Educational Leadership takes a group of graduate students across the globe to explore unique communities and educational systems. This CMU-sponsored trip tours places such as South Africa, Ireland, Costa Rica, Singapore, and Spain. Learn about primary and secondary schools, and higher education institutions in other countries, while exploring the cultures and social dynamics of these unique settings.

South Africa | Summer 2024
Dates: July 7 through July 18, 2024
Cost: $3,400 + airfare
Course EDL 752: Educational Systems in Post Apartheid South Africa
We will fly into Johannesburg and then travel to Cape Town. During the trip you will have the opportunity to visit with many institutions of higher education and talk with South African educational leaders, visit the famous apartheid museum, experience an authentic Safari, and explore a coastal country rich in history.
For more information contact Anne Hornak