CMU Tackles School Counselor Shortage
Our counseling program offers opportunities to explore all areas of professional counseling, including concentrations in mental health, addiction, and school counseling. Our friendly faculty are attentive to your needs to help you meet your career goals and will guide you through the academic requirements and expectations needed to obtain a Master of Arts in Counseling degree.
The Central Michigan University Counseling Program has been granted accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The program exceeds the requirements for all of its counseling programs (Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and School Counseling) leading to licensure/ endorsement and/ or counselor licensure in professional counseling.
Discover the inspiring and honest personal journey that led one individual to make a life-changing decision. Isaac Dieterman, a 2021 graduate of the CMU Counseling Program shares how his personal experience ignited a passion for helping others. This narrative is a testament to the transformative power of education and personal growth, reminding us all that sometimes, a single experience can change the course of our lives.
The mission of the Counseling Program at Central Michigan University is to provide high-quality training that inspires emerging counselors to develop a strong professional identity and a lifelong passion for knowledge, wisdom
and creativity. Through the implementation of our core program and specialized tracks, we encourage our students to be advocates for wellness and social justice. We help them develop the clinical skill necessary to meet the mental health, educational
and career needs of an increasingly diverse society.
The CMU Counseling Program will become the pre-eminent training program in Mid-Michigan and surrounding areas for training; professional leadership; counseling skill development; knowledge; and research in clinical mental health counseling and school counseling; and will continue to expand its national reputation and prominence.