InSciTE Courses

The InSciTE certificate consists of 5 courses: a 100-level course, a 200-level course, a 300-level course, and two 400-level courses that serve as a capstone. Each course is previewed below.
SCI 115: Global Challenges, STEM solutions (3 credits)
Explore challenges in STEM via case studies driven by students’ interests and learn to work in diverse teams to reach creative potential solutions.
This course will count toward COM101 gen ed requirement starting in the Spring 2026.
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Ask scientifically appropriate questions that address societal challenges.
- Use scientific principles, direct observation, and analytical reasoning to develop STEM solutions.
- Acquire new STEM knowledge through investigation.
- Give and receive constructive feedback.
- Apply interpersonal skills to successfully work in diverse teams, including positive and respectful attitude and conflict management and resolution.
- Use organizational and time management skills, including developing and using a schedule as a part of a diverse team.
- Support an appreciation of intellectual contributions from diverse students, including recognizing and valuing different areas of expertise.
- Evaluate honestly their own abilities, contributions, work ethic, and opportunities for growth.
SCI 215: Sharing STEM knowledge (3 credits)
Explore different means of communicating within the STEM disciplines and further your communication skills while developing your STEM identity.
This course will count as a WI gen ed requirement starting in the Spring 2026.
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Work collaboratively in diverse teams by applying interpersonal and organizational skills.
- Offer and utilize constructive criticism.
- Develop clear and effective writing skills in a multidisciplinary context.
- Identify and synthesize appropriate relevant scientific literature.
- Demonstrate effective individual speaking skills to technical and non-technical audiences.
- Use persuasive communication skills.
- Create effective visual presentations of STEM data and concepts.
- Reflect upon your work and feedback from presentation of deliverables.
SCI 315: STEM project management (3 credits)
Work collaboratively to acquire project management and data skills necessary to successfully design and carry out a study addressing a current STEM challenge.
This course will count as a QR gen ed requirement starting in the Spring 2026.
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Work collaboratively in diverse teams by applying interpersonal and organizational skills.
- Design a well-controlled study in STEM that builds on prior knowledge and makes progress toward a research goal.
- Plan out the steps required to complete a study in STEM.
- Develop and practice technical skills that generate reliable data.
- Collect, analyze, and represent data in accordance with relevant STEM standards.
- Communicate research progress orally and in writing.
- Give, receive and integrate constructive feedback.
- Accurately appraise progress toward learning goals and project goals.
SCI 415: Interdisciplinary STEM solutions 1 (3 credits)
The first course in the senior capstone experience of the InSciTE certificate and is designed to allow you to solve current STEM problems in a realistic research environment.
This course will count as a WI gen ed requirement starting in the Spring 2026.
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Collaborate in diverse teams to support research and promote the integrative InSciTE experience.
- Identify holes and gaps in scientific knowledge related to the chosen theme area.
- Pitch project ideas to STEM and non-STEM audiences.
- Plan steps required to complete a study in STEM, including timeline, budget, personnel.
- Develop and practice technical skills that generate reliable data.
- Make and defend decisions during experimentation and troubleshooting.
- Build relationships with external stakeholders and experts in STEM.
- Collect, analyze, and represent data in accordance with relevant STEM standards.
SCI 416: Interdisciplinary STEM solutions 2 (3 credits)
The second course in the senior capstone experience of the InSciTE certificate and is designed to allow you to complete a STEM project in a realistic research environment.
Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Collaborate in diverse teams to support research and promote the integrative InSciTE experience.
- Leverage distributed expertise in a multidisciplinary team.
- Compile data from diverse fields to reach a conclusion.
- Quantitatively interpret data to arrive at new insights related to the STEM area.
- Communicate research progress and results orally and in writing to technical and non-technical audiences.
- Give, receive and integrate constructive feedback.
- Build relationships with external stakeholders and experts in STEM.
- Accurately appraise progress toward learning goals and project goals.
- Reflect upon feedback from public presentation.