Become a part of InSciTE

InSciTE is a new certificate aimed at empowering our students with the 21st century-skills employers are keen to see on resumes. 

If you are interested in participating in the InSciTE certificate, explore the many options available below.

InSciTE Teaching Fellow

We are seeking faculty to teach our InSciTE courses as a InSciTE Teaching Fellow.

CMU faculty member leading a discussion in an active learning classroom.

Here are a few points about teaching in the InSciTE program:

  • The College of Science and Engineering is making the commitment to count any teaching done within InSciTE as an in-load course, and to provide the replacement costs to individual departments if necessary.
  • While InSciTE classes are co-taught by several faculty, each faculty will be compensated for a full course, as we realize that co-teaching requires a lot of additional planning.
  • We encourage all faculty, tenured/tenure-track and fixed-term, to apply. The application is not meant to be tedious. We are simply seeing if the program would be a good fit for you. You may submit written answers, but any other format is also welcomed (short video, sound bites, powerpoint slides, etc). Applications are due August 15, 2023 to teach Spring 2024 classes. For later classes, applications are accepted year-round.


InSciTE interdisciplinary faculty council

We are seeking faculty from all departments within the College of Science and Engineering to participate in our interdisciplinary council. The council helps with the governance and oversight of the InSciTE certificate, and ensures that the program’s mission, values and goals are met. If you are interested, please contact Wiline Pangle.

Meet the Inscite Faculty Council

Mentor InSciTE students

We are seeking faculty interested in working with our InSciTE students! Students from all departments within the College of Science and Engineering will be pitching their research ideas – come hear their ideas and meet your potential new student! If you are interested, please contact Wiline Pangle to receive updates regarding research mentors.

InSciTE program pedagogical research 

We are excited to set up a rigorous data collection for this program to best inform our teaching and research practices. The InSciTE program has heavy assessment data collected, both pre- and post- classes, to pinpoint successes and struggles. A long-term longitudinal study will allow for some long-term assessment of the program as well. We are proud to be collaborating with faculty across the university from all Colleges to better assess our program. If you are interested in joining this research effort, please contact Wiline Pangle.

External advisory board

We are seeking non-CMU faculty or employers that are interested in InSciTE to come join our external advisory board. The board will interact with the InSciTE interdisciplinary council to help guide the direction of the program as it grows, and provide external oversight. If you are interested, please contact Wiline Pangle.

Donate to support our students

Help us make our mission a reality! We welcome any donations to help us put together events that support our students. We are currently looking for funds for the following projects:

  • An InSciTE scholarship program that would cover the cost of the certificate for students to allow a truly equitable program. Check out the demographics of our students [link to first cohort demographic PDF here]
  • A retreat week-end off-campus where students can develop leadership skills while faculty engage in professional development workshops
  • A state-of-the-art InSciTE student lounge where students can collaborate across cohorts
  • A research fund to support student-driven research projects in year 4 of InSciTE
  • A conference fund to support students attending national STEM conferences to present their InSciTE findings.

Join our students as a guest speaker

We love to hear from you! Each InSciTE course [link these last 2 words to the INScITE course page of our website] welcomes guest speakers weekly to our classrooms for 15 to 30 minutes. Guest speakers have shared their professional journeys, stories of resilience, or their advice to succeed in a STEM career. If you are interested in being a guest speaker, please contact Wiline Pangle.

Become an InSciTE student mentor

We need your voice and advice! Our students greatly benefit from hearing advice coming from leaders in the STEM workforce. We are setting up monthly meetings over coffee where students and mentors can get connected based on interests. If you’d like to participate in these informal meetings, please contact Wiline Pangle.