Materials and Nanoscience

Produce and study polymers and nanoscale architectures with specific chemical, biological, and physical properties through materials and nanoscience research at Central Michigan University.

Dr. Gabriel Caruntu

Research in our group is directed towards the fundamental aspects of the design and fabrication of nanoscale functional materials with application in energy storage and conversion, sensing, catalysis and spintronics. To this end, we exploit basic concepts of colloidal chemistry, molecular self-assembly and surface functionalization to design novel nanostructures with controlled internal structure, chemical composition and selectable topologies, such as colloidal nanocrystals, nanotubes and nanorods and thin films.

Dr. Bradley D. Fahlman

The Fahlman group is interested in the development and   electrochemical testing of mesoporous carbons, graphenes, and nanostructural Si-C hybrid nanomaterials for energy-storage applications (Li-ion, Na-ion, metal-air batteries, and supercapacitors). We utilize a variety of liquid-phase and vapor-phase methods (CVD, ALD) for the synthesis of nanomaterials, and employ a suite of characterization methods (SEM, TEM, XRD, AFM, XPA, IR, UV-Vis, Raman).  Electrochemical testing is performed using Princeton Applied Research potentiostats fitted with split cells housed inside and MBraun glovebox, as well as a 384-channel Maccor battery testing system using coin cells fabricated in our laboratory.


Dr. Bingbing Li

The Li Group is focused on novel design of hierarchically structured polymer materials: (1) design principle, (2) fundamental physical chemistry of polymer-based materials, (3) property optimization, and (4) biomedical and environmental applications.

Contact Dr. Bingbing Li

Dr. Dillip Mohanty

Nitric oxide, an endogenously produced gaseous molecule, plays a critical role in human physiology. A deficiency of this small molecule can promote a variety of maladies. We are interested in the preparation and characterization of slow and sustained nitric oxide releasing low molecular weight, polymeric and dendritic materials, which can mimic biological release of nitric oxide. The other goal of our group is to develop efficient modified activated carbon for sequestering toxic heavy metal ions from water.

Contact Dr. Dillip Mohanty

Dr. Anja Mueller

My research group is working on environmental and biomedical problems by designing, synthesizing, and testing new materials. Problems we are working on are wastewater treatment with imprinted polymers; improved material for proton exchange fuel cell membrane; and skin scaffolds from polysaccharides. My groups is also working on research in interdisciplinary education and assessment and active learning for Organic Chemistry.

Contact Dr. Anja Mueller

Dr. Ajit Sharma

My laboratory (in collaboration with Dr. Swanson) is involved in the synthesis and characterization of dendrimers for biomedical applications using various bio-conjugation methodologies, RP-HPLC, SEC-HPLC, MS, IEF and PAGE. We are currently collaborating with faculty and researchers in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department, Biology Department, Medical School (CMED) and in Europe on the application of dendrimers and their derivatives in oxidative stress, neurodegenerative diseases and vaccines.

Contact Dr. Ajit Sharma

Dr. Mary Tecklenburg

We apply a variety of spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to the study of inorganic, organic and biological materials. The materials I study are diverse and have also included alkylsilanes, proteins containing the heme group (hemoglobin and cytochrome oxidase), inorganic glasses (germanium diselenide doped with metals) and polymers (azoaromatic polyethers). Modern computational modeling of molecular structure and conformation augments my experimental studies.

Contact Dr. Mary Tecklenburg