Mathematics Graduate Programs
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Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences
Our doctoral program is designed to prepare our graduates not only to do research but also to be successful at teaching collegiate mathematics. Furthermore, our doctoral students have the choice of writing a dissertation in either mathematics or collegiate mathematics education.
Application information
Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences: Mathematics Concentration
Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences: Collegiate Mathematics Ed. Concentration
- Applicants must meet all CMU Graduate Studies admission requirements. This includes official transcripts and a resume. International students should take note of any special admission considerations required by the College of Graduate Studies, including TOEFL requirements.
- Applicants with a Bachelor's degree must have successfully completed 20 semester hours of mathematics including Multivariate Calculus (equivalent to MTH 233), Abstract Algebra (equivalent to MTH 523), and Advanced Calculus (equivalent to MTH 532). A minimum GPA of 2.7 overall (or 3.0 in the final sixty semester hours of graded coursework toward the bachelor's degree) and 3.0 in mathematics is required.
- Applicants with a Master's degree in mathematics equivalent to the M .A. degree at Central Michigan University must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their graduate work.
- Applicants must arrange for ETS to send an official copy of the general GRE scores. The institution code for Central Michigan University is 1106 and the department code is 0703.
- Applicants must submit contact information of three recommendation letter writers. A link will be sent to each letter writer where the letter of recommendation can be uploaded.
- Applicants must submit a Statement of Purpose of at least 100 words and not to exceed two pages. The Statement of Purpose should explain their relevant academic and professional experiences, discuss motivation for applying to the program, and describe their goals after completing the program.
- Applicants may optionally submit any additional evidence of mathematical ability and promise.
- Both admission to the program and awards of Graduate Assistantships are competitive, with evaluation based on the nature of previous coursework, grades, general GRE scores, and letters of recommendation.
Master of Arts in Mathematics
The Master of Arts in Mathematics degree program is aimed at preparing students for further study in Ph.D. programs, for teaching positions at colleges, or for industrial jobs.
Application information
- Applicants must meet all CMU Graduate Studies admission requirements. This includes official transcripts and a resume. International students should take note of any special admission considerations required by the College of Graduate Studies, including TOEFL requirements.
- Applicants must have successfully completed a minimum of 20 semester hours of mathematics including Multivariate Calculus (equivalent to MTH 233), Abstract Algebra (equivalent to MTH 523), and Advanced Calculus (equivalent to MTH 532). Students missing one or more of these courses may be considered for Conditional Admission. Applicants granted Conditional Admission will be asked to take the missing course(s) when they begin the program. A grade point average of 2.7 overall and a 2.7 in mathematics are required.
- Applicants must submit a Statement of Purpose of at least 100 words and not to exceed two pages. The Statement of Purpose should explain their relevant academic and professional experiences, discuss motivation for applying to the program, and describe their goals after completing the program.
- Applicants interested in a Graduate Assistantship must arrange for ETS to send an official copy of the general GRE scores. The institution code for Central Michigan University is 1106 and the department code is 0703.
- Applicants interested in a Graduate Assistantship must submit contact information of three recommendation letter writers. A link will be sent to each letter writer where the letter of recommendation can be uploaded.
- Applicants may optionally submit any additional evidence of mathematical ability and promise.
- Both admission to the program and awards of Graduate Assistantships are competitive. Evaluation for Graduate Assistantships is based on the nature of previous coursework, grades, general GRE scores, and letters of recommendation.
Accelerated M.A. in Mathematics
The Accelerated M.A. in Mathematics​ program provides the opportunity for senior undergraduate students to begin graduate coursework during the senior year so that they will be able to complete the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in five years.
Admissions application and financial support
- Applications for admission to our graduate programs in the Department of Mathematics are considered at any time.
- Applications for financial support from the Department of Mathematics should be completed by February 15 to be guaranteed full consideration for funding for the following academic year. Application materials received after February 15 are considered on a rolling basis until all positions are filled.
Why choose CMU?
Dr. Katherine Soller
Faculty Member at Edgewood College, Wisconsin
“I felt very well-supported during my time in the Mathematics PhD program at CMU. The professors in the Mathematics Department are amazing. They have created a rigorous curriculum that is challenging and pushes students to grow academically in order
to be their best, all while providing invaluable assistance and encouragement along the way. Being a Teaching Assistant and doing a year-long teaching internship during my time in the Mathematics PhD program provided me with invaluable experience
and knowledge, both about undergraduate teaching and about myself as a mathematician, that was vital to my future as a professor.”
Dr. Ansam Al-Aqtash
Faculty Member at Marshall University, West Virginia
"I think Central Michigan University is a wonderful university! It's not a very
large campus which in my opinion is a good thing, and it's very pretty. The atmosphere is great and the people in town are friendly. There are a variety of organizations on campus that are all very active which makes it easy to find a group that you
fit in well with on campus. I think the best thing about this school is the staff. The staff genuinely care to help students succeed; they are very dedicated and do their very best to provide students with the tools and resources to complete the program
successfully. I really enjoyed being a graduate assistant at the math department while completing my PhD degree. I felt the program at CMU prepared me for my career as a math professor. I strongly recommend the program; I cannot stress how satisfied
I was the entire time with the program, the professors, and the students."
Dr. Tharanga Wijetunge
Faculty Member at Lyon College, Arkansas
The opportunity to specialize in mathematics education while continuing learning graduate level mathematics courses helped in many different ways. First, the transition from undergraduate life to graduate life was much smoother. Second, pedagogical and content knowledge provided by the program made me a better candidate in finding a job immediately after graduation. Knowledgeable and friendly faculty are always there for you to guide in you right direction.
Dr. Cleland Loszewski
Software Engineer at Capital One
The math program at CMU gave me the opportunity to gain one of my most cherished achievements, my doctorate degree is something that I will carry with me in high esteem for the rest of my life!. There were a ton of advantages that came from choosing Central's program. I was able to learn from, be coached by, and grow with a close community of super talented and caring people, making some life long contacts in friends in my classmates and in the faculty! There weren't many programs that were designed to give you an advanced knowledge across a broad base of mathematics, but, exiting the program, I have a good foundation in nearly all fields in the study. I also want to call out the graduate seminars. Being able to witness and learn from some of the greats, Terence Tao, Sir William Timothy Gowers, that was really special!
With my degree, I have a unique position in industry and was able to join a segment that is always growing! Not many data scientists can say they have a PhD in Mathematics, but math is almost always listed as a preferred degree! Today, I'm on the forefront of modern technologies and methods, working and managing teams in big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and cloud technologies, and this field is only getting bigger and more widely adopted!
International students
E-mail: (Office of International Affairs)Phone: 989-774-4308