Police Oversight Committee
The Central Michigan University Board of Trustees created a Police Department Oversight Committee under the authority of, and in a manner consistent with, Act No. 120, Public Acts of 1990, being MCLA 390.1511, and the Board of Trustee’s resolution “CMU Police Department Oversight Committee.”
The committee is comprised of individuals nominated and elected by the faculty*, students**, and staff of CMU.
The nominated and elected individuals shall include:
- 2 students**
- 2 members of the faculty (*nominations through Academic Senate)
- 2 members of staff who are neither members of the faculty, nor police officers.
**If you are a current CMU student that is interested in serving on this committee, please contact the Student Government Association by emailing sga@cmich.edu with a brief statement of interest which includes a list of applicable work and/or academic experience.
The Oversight Committee shall receive and review grievances submitted by persons against the CMU Police Department or CMU police officers and after review may make recommendations to the CMU Police Chief.