BLOG: Web Insights Blog

December 2023: Updates to the collaborator support model

Since the launch of the website, the digital strategists have been working in what we call "triage mode". This means we've been focused on responding to urgently needed website update requests, training and supporting more than 200 collaborators and continuously reviewing updated pages, images, documents and other forms of content to ensure accessibility and best practices.

In addition to this, we also participate in website enhancement testing and consulting on bug fixes.

While this model was successful, our institutional and divisional goals require the bandwidth and expertise of the digital strategists to help move the needle.

We are introducing a new model of collaborator support that will allow us to:

  • Focus more on impactful initiatives to support institutional priorities and business needs.
  • Proactively partner with collaborators to mature the user experience and optimize the user journey.
  • Continue our commitment to providing needed training and support to ensure our digital presence continues to align with best practices.

Support model adjustments

The digital strategists will be realigning their focus toward maintenance, enhancement and ongoing improvement initiatives.

In order to execute this strategy, our service model needs to be restructured to ensure adequate time is given to allow us to be proactive rather than reactive.

The support model adjustments can be broken down into four main areas of change:

  1. Trainings
  2. Page creation and removal
  3. Workflow
  4. Collaborator communications and support


We will be offering three types of training:

  • New collaborator training: Once a month
  • Refresher training: Once a month
  • Ad-hoc training: As needs are identified by collaborators or strategists

Our new approach is to record a catalog of trainings and add them to our documentation website. This will allow collaborators to have them on demand, pause them and rewatch them. This will also allow them to learn based on their schedule.

Ad-hoc trainings will be available for custom training needs or to build and increase website collaborator skills.

Page creation and removal

Adding or removing pages will require a form submission.

This change allows strategists to review existing content to see where the new page fits best on the website and prevents the duplication of pages. We're also able to reduce the number of broken links and 404 errors across the website by working proactively when removing pages.


Workflow review, which includes reviewing all content, pages, documents, images, events, news, forms, etc., will take place daily from 3-5 p.m. and have a maximum 2 business day turnaround. This allows strategists to focus on high impact projects while also allowing collaborators to plan their time around this window as well.

Collaborators will still be able to reach out to the strategists with urgent requests. Urgent requests are defined as something high impact for the university:

  • It impacts the reputation of the university
  • Incorrect information for high profile events such as commencement
  • Unpublishing a people page after a complicated separation

Urgent requests will be handled on a case by case basis and these requests are not for people who failed to plan ahead.

Collaborator communications and support

We will be encouraging the use of the Website Collaborators and College Collaborator Teams channels for community support and as the first contact point for support.

The digital strategists will have designated hours for each strategist to work with collaborators. There will be two hours of open "Teams" hours Monday through Thursday for quick messages or calls, and four hours of in-person, drop-in sessions a month for collaborators to come work with strategists.

These changes are designed to build community support and give collaborators one-on-one time with strategists to get advice, review analytics and address specific issues.

As we adjust to the planned support model, we appreciate your patience and understanding. Your hard work and dedication is what makes our website great and we believe this new model and a collective focus on strategy will help us all make meaningful progress toward meeting our recruitment and retention goals.

Blog: Web Insights Blog posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Digital Strategy Team | Categories: University Communications
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