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Contracting Authority and Review Process

About contracting authority

CMU Vice Presidents and the President may delegate authorization to sign contracts binding the university for specified sums per contract. Delegated contracting power shall be in writing by the appropriate vice president, naming the person given the contracting power, the specific contracts the person may sign, and the limitation in dollars for any one contract. This delegation of contracting authority, with Vice President's signature, will be submitted to the vice president and chief financial officer who will then obtain the president's signature and place the document on file in the Office of Finance and Administrative Services. (see: Procedures for Granting Contract Authority: Ch 3-7 on the General Counsel website).

A contract is any agreement between the university and another party which is enforceable at law, whether or not it is entitled "contract." A contract includes any agreement made on behalf of the university in which legally enforceable commitments are made by or to the university.

A person with contracting authority may sign or execute contracts, thereby binding the university to their terms and conditions. Before signing a contract, the person should comply with the university's procurement policy and follow the University's Contract Review Process: Chapter 3-8 on the General Counsel website.