Spralls Iii, Samuel
Professor, Marketing
Dr. Spralls' expertise is in marketing strategy. In particular, his focus is on the impact of technology on marketing strategy. With Drs. Hunt and Wilcox, he authored "Extranet Use and Building Relationship Capital in Interfirm Distribution Networks: The Role of Extranet Capability," which was published in the Journal of Retailing. Dr. Spralls teaches the capstone course in marketing strategy and has been on the faculty of Central Michigan University for 12 years
More about Samuel Spralls Iii
Publications & Presentations
- Byunggil, C., Roh, E. Y., Spralls III, S. A., & Kim, Y. J. (2017). Predictors of Templestay Satisfaction: A Comparison Between Korean and International Participants. Leisure Sciences, 1-19.
- Spralls III, S. A., & Wilson, J. H. (2016). Forecasting in Marketing Education: Empirical Findings. International Journal of Business, Marketing, and Decision Sciences, 19(1).
- Byunggil, C., Roh, E. Y., & Spralls III, S. A. (2017). Living Like A Monk: Motivations and Experiences of International Participants in Templestay. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 5(1).
- Spralls III, S. A., Divine, R. L., & Garver, M. S. (2016). Have the Mobile Coupon Preferences of Millennials Changed? Journal of Promotion Management, 1-18.
- Garver, M. S., Divine, R. L., & Spralls III, S. A. (2014). Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis of the Local Coupon Preferences of Millennials. Journal of Promotion Management, 20(2), 240-249.
- Spralls III, S. A., Hunt, S. D., & Wilcox, J. B. (2011). Extranet Use and Building Relationship Capital in Interfirm Distribution Networks: The Role of Extranet Capability. Journal of Retailing, 87(1), 59-74.
- Spralls III, S. A., Okonkwo, P., & Akan, O. H. (2011). A Traveler to Distant Places Should Make No Enemies: Toward Understanding Nigerian Negotiating Style. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 12(3), 11-25.
- Spralls III, S. A., Garver, M. S., & Divine, R. L. (2010). Needs Assessment of University Leadership Programs. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(1), 20-35.
- Garver, M. S., Spralls III, S. A., & Divine, R. L. (2009). Need-Based Segmentation Analysis of University Career Services: Implications for Increasing Student Participation. Research in Higher Education Journal, 3, 99-123.
- Garver, M. S., Divine, R. L., & Spralls III, S. A. (2009). Segmentation Analysis of the Volunteering Preferences of University Students. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 21(1), 1-23.
- Akan, O., Allen, R. S., Helms, M. M., & Spralls III, S. A. (2006). Critical Tactics for Implementing Porter's Generic Strategies. Journal of Business Strategy, 27(1), 43-43.
- Academic Conference and Symposium Presentations
- Wilson, J. H., & Spralls III, S. A. (2016). Business Professionals View of Forecast Teaching in Marketing Departments. In Proceedings of the ABR Conference. Chaired by Randall Valenting. Biloxi, MS: Academy Business Research. This paper won a Best Paper Award.
- Spralls III, S. A. (2014). A Conceptual Model of Virtual Leadership Capability: Toward Leveraging Embedded Brand Communities. In Proceedings of the SMA Conference. Chaired by J. Charlene Davis. New Orleans, LA: Society for Marketing Advances.
- Spralls III, S. A. & Okonkwo, P. (2009). Toward Understanding Nigerian Negotiating Style. In Proceedings of the SMA Conference. Chaired by W. Rhea Ingram. New Orleans, LA: Society for Marketing Advances.
- Spralls III, S. A. (2001). Internet Migration: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Implications. In Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educator's Conference. Chaired by Eds. Ram Krishnan and Madhu Viswanathan. Scottsdale, AZ: American Marketing Association, 370-371.
- Ph.D., Texas Tech University
- MBA, University of Chicago
- BSIE, University of Wisconsin at Madison