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Serious and Catastrophic Leave

In order to be eligible to apply for Serious and Catastrophic Leave, you must:

  • Be employed in a participating employee group.
  • Have successfully completed twelve (12) months of employment and 1250 hours of service.
  • Have exhausted all paid leave, including sick, vacation, personal and accrued compensatory time.
  • Not have been formally disciplined during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding application for leave under the Serious and Catastrophic Leave Policy.
  • Be on an approved medical leave of absence in accordance with the appropriate staff employment handbook or collective bargaining agreement due to your own or a family member's serious health condition, supported by qualifying adequate written medical documentation. 

    If you are receiving workers compensation benefits, income replacement through short-term disability, or long-term disability you are ineligible to receive paid sick leave through the Serious and Catastrophic Leave Bank.

    See  Serious and Catastrophic Leave (SCL) Bank Procedure/Guideline for more information.

    Catastrophic Leave Bank Application