Employment Services
Employment Services is responsible for the employment and compensation activity for all student and staff (regular and temporary employees), including hiring, selection, recruitment, retention, classification, annual adjustments, and unemployment. Policies, procedures and resources related to the hiring process are outlined in the hiring handbook/staff hiring process. More than 1,300 staff enjoy challenging careers and support the university on a daily basis.
CMU is a student-focused university with opportunities for leadership and involvement for an energetic team. Information regarding current job openings and job descriptions are available for hiring managers and individuals interested in working in a team environment committed to excellent customer service.
Employment questions? Email us at emplsvcs@cmich.edu
CMU's employment and staff compensation programs aim to support the mission of the university to recruit and retain a diverse staff in order to enrich the university and community. Human Resources has the responsibilities for determining the appropriate employee group, classification (job title) and pay level for all staff positions based upon skill, scope and level of responsibility. CMU's compensation policies support the philosophy of the university and are incorporated in the salary structure.
Compensation questions? Email us at emplsvcs@cmich.edu
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC)
The Michigan Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) works to find effective ways to assist the spouses and partners of faculty and staff to secure area employment and ways to address issues of faculty and staff diversity.