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Clarke Speaker Series: From Aladdin to Sears: America’s Kit Homes

On the left is speaker Ron Campbell, white hair, clean shaven wearing a black polo, smiling. On right, is an Aladdin Readi-cut Homes catalog cover with text  Then below is an image of a green house with shaker siding, a chimney and multicolored roof.

Ron Campbell, AIA, Principal Planner / Preservation Architect, Economic Development & Community Affairs, Oakland County, Michigan

From Aladdin to Sears: America’s Kit Homes

The early part of the 20th century saw an American phenomenon in housing made possible by a confluence of events. Never before in history was there such a choice in housing for the average person. From the planned communities to mail order houses, families could achieve the American dream. Many of the houses we admire today are the result of kit homes and mail order houses.  Learn about this amazing story and the legacy they have left.

This lecture is the opening event for the Clarke’s new exhibition, “Build It Yourself: The Aladdin Company of Bay City, MI.”  A reception in the Clarke will follow this event.

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Sponsor: Clarke Historical Library
Contact: Clarke Historical Library (989) 774-3864