What is self-esteem
Self-esteem is your overall belief regarding your personal sense of value and sense of worth. Your self-esteem can affect your life in a multitude of ways, from your academic and future professional career, to your relationships with others and also your mental health.
What symptoms may be present
If you struggle with your self-esteem, you may notice:
- Negative and critical self-talk.
- Blaming yourself unfairly.
- Worrying about your ability to complete things.
- Feeling worthless or hopeless.
- Having unrealistic expectations of yourself.
Why is it important to practice positive self-esteem
According to the American Psychological Association, having high self-esteem is key to positive mental health and well-being. Your self-esteem is your sense of value and self-worth, when you feel confident and positive about yourself, it makes you feel secure and worthwhile. High self-esteem also helps you to handle life's stressors, create productive coping skills, and have perspective when dealing with negative situations.
Things you can do to help yourself
- Practice self-compassion and kindness.
- Give yourself grace.
- Don't compare yourself to others.
- Live in the present.
- Surround yourself with supportive people.
- Share your feelings.
- Be realistic.
- Take an internet and/or social media detox.
Apps that help
- ThinkUp: Positive Affirmations
- App Store | Google Play |
- #mindful: Motivation quotes
- App Store | Google Play |
Other resources
Positive Self-Talk
3 Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem