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Risk Management, Environmental Health and Safety

The programs and services of Risk Management, Environmental Health and Safety combine the technical disciplines of environmental health and safety with risk control and risk transfer. The University is a significant enterprise of teaching, research and public service which includes many areas and varieties of inherent hazard and loss exposure. We manage and coordinate the University’s effort to address these risks through the programs listed and described below.

Risk Management

Risk Management assists the university’s operating units and faculty/staff to protect against or mitigate losses to the people, facilities, and other assets of the campus community. This includes identification and analysis of risk or assessment of loss potential; elimination or minimization of risk; implementation of loss funding and risk financing mechanisms; and claims control and litigation management.

Environmental Health and Safety

The primary function of Environmental Health and Safety is to oversee compliance with the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA); Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE); Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH); and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations. This includes program development, training development and implementation, program auditing, site inspections, and providing consulting services.​