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International Partnerships

Our global network extends across 34 countries, with nearly 200 agreements with international universities and organizations spanning activities such as student and faculty exchanges, dual degrees, articulation agreements, study abroad affiliations, research collaborations and other activities.

International partnerships are often formalized through the execution of an agreement. Agreements outline both the expectations and obligations of each party to the agreement. Because these agreements are legal contracts, it is imperative that university policies and procedures are followed and that there is good communication with internal and external partners throughout the process.  International agreements are reviewed and approved by the  Executive Director of the Office of Licensure, Regulatory Services and Human Capital  and the Senior Vice Provost of Academic and Curricular Affairs prior to requesting the signature of the Provost .  

  • To initiate or renew a student exchange agreement, please contact Dianne De Salvo, Director of Study Abroad in the Office of Global Engagement at 989-774-4320.
  • To initiate or renew all other international agreements, please contact Dr. David Patton, Senior Vice Provost for Academic and Curricular Affairs at 989-774-3632.

Types of agreements

  • Articulation: Two or more parties develop curriculum matching and/or credit transfer guidelines (dual and joint degrees, transfer agreements, guest student programs, etc).
  • Affiliation: Outside agencies agree to accept Central Michigan University students in internships, clinical experiences, teaching placements, or 3rd party study abroad programs.
  • Student Exchange: Students from CMU go to study at another institution for a semester or academic year while students from that institution come to study at CMU.
  • Faculty Exchange:  CMU faculty are hosted by a partner institution to teach or research and faculty from the partner institution are hosted by CMU to teach or research. 
  • MOU: This is a general agreement to discuss opportunities for collaboration between CMU and another party.
  • Recruitment: A third party agrees to recruit students for CMU.

To see a list of all active international agreements, please visit CMU's Agreements Database (CMU login required).