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Licensure, Regulatory Services and Human Capital facilitates the development of several types of agreements within the Academic Division.  One such agreement is the Affiliation Agreement.  Affiliation Agreements are written to support a student's opportunity to engage in an experiential activity in furtherance of his/her academic program. The need to protect the university and our students makes it necessary to have written agreements in place for all activities outlining the terms, conditions, and responsibilities expected from CMU and clinical sites to which CMU students are assigned. The university and/or its employees could be held liable for verbal and/or oral statements made to sponsoring agencies. Although the risk may be remote, the potential liability could be great. Therefore, written agreements completed in advance of the experiential activity are essential to ensure all expectations are clarified.

Another common agreement is the Articulation Agreement.  Licensure, Regulatory Services and Human Capital works with academic departments to facilitate the development and execution of Articulation Agreements. An Articulation Agreement is a signed agreement between CMU and a partnering institution which provides for the transfer of a pre-defined set of credits to CMU. The Articulation Agreement is generally developed based on the completion of an associate degree or certificate program prior to transferring to CMU.

Licensure Regulatory Services and Human Capital reviews and processes Facility Use Agreements for CMU, Alumni, or Non-CMU entities requesting to utilize classroom space at its civilian leased locations.

Licensure Regulatory Services and Human Capital facilitates newly initiated or renewal contracts, agreements or memoranda of understanding/memoranda of agreement related to civilian, military, and/or international locations or entities.

We are here to help with the following illustrative list of responsibilities:

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