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Action C Combination

The Central Michigan University Action C Combination mark represents us at the very highest level. It acts as our signature and stamp of quality. It is, and should always be, the most consistent element in our communications.


Clear space and minimum size

Clear space

To maintain legibility and visual impact, our mark always must have clear space around it that is not infringed upon by text or other visual elements. Use the height of the “C” from our mark to determine if the mark has sufficient clear space surrounding it.

Action C Combination Clear Space Allowance

Action C Combination Clear Space Allowance, four letter

Minimum size

To maintain legibility, the Central Michigan University mark should never be reproduced in sizes smaller than 50 pixels wide for print (.83 in) and 80 pixels wide for web.

Print: 50 px wide (.83in)

Action C Combination Minimum Size Allowance for Print Materials

Web: 80 px wide 

Action C Combination Minimum Size Allowance for Web Materials

Color variations

For Action C Combination use on apparel or promotional items, see trademark and licensing.

CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal example, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow lines is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal example, a maroon Action C with white drop shadow lines is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal example, a gold Action C with white drop shadow lines is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal example, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow lines is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University

CMU Action C Combination mark vertical example, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow lines are located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical example, a gold Action C with white drop shadow lines are located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical example, a maroon Action C with white drop shadow lines are located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical example, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow lines are located above the words “Central Michigan University

One-color variations

For Action C Combination use on apparel or promotional items, see trademark and licensing.

CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal one-color maroon, an Action C is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal one-color gold, an Action C is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal one-color maroon, an Action C is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark horizontal one-color white, an Action C is located on the left of the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical in one-color maroon, an Action C is located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical in one-color gold, an Action C is located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical in one-color maroon, an Action C is located above the words “Central Michigan University
CMU Action C Combination mark vertical in one-color white, an Action C is located above the words “Central Michigan University

Incorrect use

Gold on black or gray

Because gold and black resemble another university's colors, it is not an approved color combination. If you are using a lockup on a black or gray background, please use a two-color mark in maroon with a gold drop shadow. One-color options are available for promotional items upon request.

Action C Combination mark incorrect use example, a gold Action C with white drop shadow is directly above the words “Central Michigan University

Drop shadow colors

This mark is using an incorrect color combination. The drop shadow is the same color as the background, making it invisible to the eye. Please use the mark in one of the approved color variations.

Action C Combination mark incorrect use example, a maroon Action C with white drop shadow is directly above of the words “Central Michigan University

Tilting or rotating the mark

The mark is drastically angled, making it difficult to read. Marks must be used in their original format and not angled, rotated or tilted in any way.

CMU Action C Combination mark incorrect use example, the logo is tilted on an angle, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow is directly above of the words “Central Michigan University

Using an unapproved color variation

Do not change the color of the mark from one of the approved color variations. One-color variations are available upon request.

CMU Action C Combination mark incorrect use example, an Action C located directly above of the words “Central Michigan University

Placing the mark on a busy background

The background image is too complex and does not provide enough contrast, which makes it difficult to see the mark. To ensure readability, marks must be placed on noncompeting backgrounds.

Action C Combination mark incorrect use example, a maroon Action C with gold drop shadow above the words “Central Michigan University