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Dr. Carlin Borsheim-Black is Professor of English Education in the Department of English of English, Language, and Literature at Central Michigan University (CMU). Borsheim-Black’s teaching and scholarship is committed to antiracism within the field of English education, especially in predominantly white classrooms and communities. Borsheim-Black was recognized with the CMU Excellence in Teaching Award and the Lorrie Ryan Memorial Excellence in Teaching Award. Her book, Letting Go of Literary Whiteness: Antiracist Literature Instruction for White Students co-authored with Dr. Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides, was recognized with the 2022 Outstanding Book Award by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. Borsheim-Black’s research has been published in Research in the Teaching of English, English Education, Teachers College Record, and Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Prior to joining the faculty at CMU, Borsheim-Black taught high school English, Creative Writing, and Drama in Findlay, Ohio and Charlotte, Michigan. She is also a former co-editor of Michigan Reading Journal.
More about Carlin Borsheim-Black
Publications & Presentations
Borsheim-Black, C. and Sarigianides, S.T. (2019).
Letting go of literary whiteness: Antiracist
literature instruction for white students. New York: Teachers College Press.
Juzwik, M.M., Borsheim-Black, C., Caughlan, S., & Heintz, A. (2013). Inspiring dialogue: Talking to learn in the English classroom. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Refereed Journal Articles
Northrup, L., Borsheim-Black, C., Kelly, S. (2019). Matching students to books: The cultural content of eighth grade literature assignments. The Elementary School Journal, 120(2), 243-271.
Borsheim-Black, C. (2018). “You could argue it either way”: Ambivalent white teacher racial identity and teaching about racism in literature study. English Education, 50(3), 228-254.
Borsheim-Black, C. (2015). “It’s pretty much white”: Challenges and opportunities of an antiracist approach to literature instruction in a multilayered white context. Research in the Teaching of English, 49(4), 407 – 429.
Borsheim-Black. C. (2015). Reading pop culture and young adult literature through a youth Lens.
English Journal. 104(3), 29 – 34.
Borsheim-Black, C., Macaluso, M., & Petrone, R. (2014). Introducing critical literature pedagogy: Teaching canonical literature for critical literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(2), 123-133.
S., Juzwik, M.M., Borsheim-Black, C., Kelly, S., & Fine, J.G.
(2013). English teacher candidates’ developing dialogically organized
instructional practices. Research in the Teaching of English, 47(3), 212-242.
M. M., Sherry, M., Caughlan, S., Heintz, A., & Borsheim, C. (2012).
Supporting dialogically organized instruction in an English teacher
preparation program: A video-based, web 2.0-mediated response and
revision pedagogy.
Teachers College Record, 114(3).
Heintz, A., Borsheim, C., Caughlan, S., Juzwik, M. M., & Sherry, M. B. (2010). Video-based response & revision: Dialogic instruction using video and web 2.0 technologies. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 10(2).
Book Chapters
Borsheim-Black, C. (2018). “A critical race approach to teaching To Kill a Mockingbird in secondary English.” Teaching the canon in 21st century classroom: Challenging genres. Brill Publishing.
R. and Borsheim, C. (2008). “It just seems to be more intelligent”:
Critical literacy in the English classroom. In Larraine Wallowitz (Ed.)
Critical literacy as resistance: Teaching for social justice across the secondary curriculum. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Book Reviews
Borsheim, C. (2008). Book review of America’s Unseen Kids: Teaching English Language Arts in Today’s Forgotten High Schools by Harold M. Foster & Megan Nosol. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Education Review.
2012 Ph.D. Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education
Michigan State University, Department of Teacher Education
2006 M.A. Critical Studies in the Teaching of English
Michigan State University, Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Culture
1999 B.A. English Education
Minnesota State University: Moorhead, College of Education
1997 B.A. English and Mass Communications
Minnesota State University: Moorhead, College of Arts & Letters
Courses Taught
ENG 311 Teaching Literature in Secondary Schools
- ENG 315 Teaching Writing in the Elementary and Middle School
- ENG 508 Argumentative Writing
- ENG 580 Young Adult Literature
- ENG 582 Cultural Pluralism in Children's and Young Adult Literature