Halman, Hugh
Talat Halman is the preferred name to use in communications. Talat publishes under the name of H. Talat Halman.
More about Hugh Halman
Publications & Presentations
"Time Signatures: Muhammad's God-Time and Dogen's Being-Time." Parabola 50:1 (Spring 2025), pp. 26-31.
"The Bewitchment of the Prophet Muhammad." Parabola Vol. 49. No. 3 (Fall 2024), pp. 82-83.
"I Am the Reality": The Mystic Martyr Hallaj. Parabola 49: 2, pp. 36-43.
"Ikkyu: Free as a 'Crazy Cloud'" in Parabola 49/1, Spring 2024.
"The Sage of Inner Knowledge: al-Khidr in Qur'an, Hadith, and Tafsir," in Michel Boivin and Manuel Penicard, eds., Inter-religious Practices and Saint Veneration in the Muslim World: Khid/Khizr from the Middle East to South Asia (Routledge Press, 2024, pp. 21-42).
"The Tea Saint: The Exceptional Life and Legacy of Sen no Rikyu," Parabola Magazine: Volume 48, No. 3 (Fall 2023): 76-82.
"The Spirituality of Prayer in Islam," in Vincent J. Cornell and Bruce B. Lawrence, eds., The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Islamic Spirituality (Wiley Blackwell, 2023, pp. 263-276).
Ph.D. Duke University (2000)
Research Interests
Islam, Sufism, world religions