Cowling, Kathleen
Dr. Cowling has been involved with Medical Education in Saginaw since 1995. Initially hired as core faculty for the EM program after completing her residency in Lansing, Michigan at the MSU combined Sparrow hospital-Ingham Regional Medical Center Affiliated program in 1995. She assumed the role of program director in 2015 and served nine years until being appointed Chair, Surgical Disciplines for CMU College of Medicine. Dr. Cowling served as Covenant HealthCare's Chief of Staff through the pandemic until December 31st, 2022. She cares for patients in Covenant's Emergency Care Center which sees > 80,000 patients/year and is an accredited Level Il adult and pediatric trauma center. Over the decades she has mentored hundreds of residents, medical students and faculty. She also served the SoM as Commissioner for MDHHS - Certificate of Need for 6 years. Her advocacy at the local, state and national levels continues as she supports improved access to health care in the mid-Michigan area.
More about Kathleen Cowling
Publications & Presentations
Michael Bernard (2024). Danger Zone: Managing Abdominal And Neck Stab Wounds Critical Decisions.
Cowling, Kathleen (2023). Religious groups preparedness to manage mass casualty events with tourniquet application and stop the bleed training. West JEM.
Hakman EN, Cowling KM (2023). Paradoxical Embolism. Emergency medicine clinics of North America.
Cowling, Kathleen (2020). Visual Estimation of Blood Loss Annals of Emergency Medicine.
Bertucci N, Cowling K (2018). Is Hyperpronation More Effective Than Supination for Reduction of a Radial Head Subluxation? Annals of emergency medicine.
Deibel JP, Cowling K (2013). Ocular inflammation and infection. Emergency medicine clinics of North America.
Rosenthal MS, Klein K, Cowling K, Grzybowski M, Dunne R (2005). Disaster modeling: medication resources required for disaster team response. Prehospital and disaster medicine.
Credentials, Certifications & Awards
Commendation for service during Pandemic as COS
Lifetime achievement award
Covenant HealthCare Outstanding service as Chief of Staff
Judith Weiswasser Award for Most Outstanding Woman Graduate
Chief Resident Emergency Medicine
Outstanding Clinical Teaching Award
Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award
Nominee - Residency Association Teacher of the Year
Krome Award
Nominee - Women Physician of the Year
Most Outstanding speaker Award
Award for Leadership
Resolution #2 Commendation
Outstanding Educator
John Rupke Lifetime Legacy
D.O., Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (MI)
M.S., Michigan State University
AS, Northwestern Michigan College
M.B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Residency, Michigan State University
Membership in Professional Organizations
American College Healthcare Executives
Amercian Association Physician Leaders
Michigan State Medical Society
American Medical Association
Wilderness Medical Society
American College of Emergency Medicine
American Academy of Emergency Physicians
Michigan College of Emergency Physicians
Saginaw County Medical Society