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Conway, Michael


Professor with Tenure


Michael J. Conway, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Microbiology in the Foundational Sciences Discipline at Central Michigan University College of Medicine. The Conway lab uses a multidisciplinary approach to study the molecular biology, virology, medical entomology, and evolution of arthropod-borne pathogens such as dengue and Zika viruses. The development of conventional vaccines for mosquito-borne flaviviruses has been difficult due to the phenomenon of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and the co-circulation and emergence of related viruses. Vector control strategies also have limitations that prevent eradication of disease transmitting arthropods, and targeted treatment options are limited. The Conway lab focuses on identifying vector proteins and pathways that are involved in the transmission of arthropod-borne pathogens. Investigation of pathogen-vector-host interactions will lead to the development of transmission-blocking vaccines and therapeutics. The Conway lab is also part of a statewide network that screens wastewater for SARS-CoV-2.

More about Michael Conway

Conway M.J. (2023). Targeting Aedes aegypti Metabolism with Next Generation Insecticides Viruses.

Conway M.J. (2023). SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Monitoring in Rural and Small Metropolitan Communities in Central Michigan Sci Total Environ.

Marten A. D. (2022). Chronic depletion of vertebrate lipids in Aedes aegypti cells promotes de novo lipid synthesis and supports dengue replication PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

Abeer Gharaibeh, Richard H. Smith, Michael J. Conway (2021). Reducing Spread of Infections with a Photocatalytic Reactor-Potential Applications in Control of Hospital Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridioides difficile Infections and Inactivation of RNA Viruses Infectious Disease Reports.

Michael J. Conway (2021). Type I hypersensitivity promotes Aedes aegypti blood feeding Scientific Reports.

Michael J. Conway (2020). Extracellular vesicles restrict flavivirus fusion in Aedes aegypti cells Virology.

Michael J. Conway (2020). Validamycin A delays development and prevents flight in Aedes aegypti J Med Entomol.

Michael J. Conway (2020). Identification of coronavirus sequences in carp cDNA from Wuhan, China J Med Virol.

Conway, M.J (2020). Antibody responses against Anopheles darlingi immunogenic peptides in Plasmodium infected humans Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology.

Michael J. Conway (2019). Dengue virus reduces expression of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 to facilitate replication in Aedes aegypti Sci Rep.

Conway, M.J. (2018). Rapid detection of Zika virus in urine samples and infected mosquitoes by reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification Sci Rep.

Conway, M.J. (2018). Serosurvey of human antibodies recognizing Aedes aegypti D7 salivary proteins in Colombia Frontiers Public Health.

Conway, M.J (2018). Reverse transcriptase-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) assay for Zika virus and housekeeping genes in urine, serum, and mosquito samples J Vis Exp.

Michael J. Conway (2017). Low density lipoprotein inhibits flavivirus acquisition in Aedes aegypti Insect Mol Bio.

Michael J. Conway (2017). New insight on dengue virus-induced thrombocytopenia. virulence Virulence.

Conway, M.J. (2017). Zika virus induces astrocyte differentiation in neural stem cells J NeuroVirol.

Michael J. Conway (2016). Identification of a flavivirus sequence in a marine arthropod PLoS One.

Michael J. Conway (2016). Safe handling of West Nile virus in the insectary Methods Mol Biol.

Conway, M.J. (2016). A mosquito ubiquitin protein specifically targets dengue virus envelope protein for degradation and initiates cellular apoptosis during dengue infection of Aedes aegypti BBA.

Michael J. Conway (2016). Insect specific flavivirus infection is restricted by mammalian innate immunity Virology.

Conway, M.J. (2016). Aedes aegypti D7 saliva protein binds and inhibits dengue virus infection PLoS Neg Trop Dis.

Conway, M.J (2015). Dengue virus infection of Aedes aegypti requires a cysteine rich venom protein PLoS Pathogens.

Conway M.J. (2015). Cleavage of the HPV16 minor capsid protein L2 during virion morphogenesis ablates the requirement for cellular furin during de novo infection Viruses.

Conway, M.J (2014). Mosquito saliva serine protease enhances dissemination of dengue virus in the host. J. Virol.

Conway, M.J., (2014). The susceptibility of high-risk human papillomavirus type 16 to clinical disinfectants J. Antimicrob. Chemother.

Conway, M.J (2014). Adeno-associated virus type 2 infection of nude mouse human breast cancer xenograft induces necrotic death and inhibits tumor growth Cancer Biol Ther.

Conway, M.J (2014). Roles for human papillomavirus type 16 L1 cysteine residues 161, 229, and 379 in genome encapsidation and capsid stability PLoS One.

Conway, M.J (2014). Role of the vector in arbovirus transmission Ann. Rev. Virol..

Conway, M.J (2012). West Nile virus: biology, transmission, and human infection Clin. Microbiol. Rev.
Excellence in Teaching in Foundational Sciences Award Nominee
Full Member of the Central Michigan University Academy of Medical Educators
Central Michigan University Provost’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity
Excellence in Research Award Nominee
Founding Faculty Appreciation Award
Full Member in Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society
CMED Excellence in Research Award
FRCCE Publication Cost Award
ASV Travl Award for the 31st Annual meeting
Dean's Award for Graduate Education
Class of 1979 Alumni Award
NIH/Roche Training Award
Dean's Travel Award
NCI Travel Grant
B.S., Northern Michigan University
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University-College of Medicine
Full Member in Sigma Xi Scientific Honor Society
Central Michigan University Provost’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity
Full Member of the Central Michigan University Academy of Medical Educators
CMED Founding Faculty Appreciation Award
Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors Award
CMU Provost’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Nominee
CMED Excellence in Research Award
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Class of 1979 Alumni Award
CMED Excellence in Teaching in Foundational Sciences Award Nominee
FRCE Publication Cost Award
ASV Travel Award for the 31st Annual Meeting for the American Society for Virology
Full member of the American Society for Virology
CMED Excellence in Research Award Nominee
American Society for Virology
Member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Dean’s Award for Graduate Education
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Member of the International Papillomavirus Society
PSU College of Medicine Dean’s Travel Award
NCI Travel Grant for the 2007 Small DNA Tumor Virus Meeting
NIH/Roche Training Award for the 27th International Papillomavirus Conference
NIH/Roche Training Award for the 28th International Papillomavirus Conference