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Liao, Qi



More about Qi Liao

Journal Papers:

  1. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Preventive portfolio against data-selling ransomware - a game theory of encryption and deception. Computers & Security, 116:1–11, Article 102644, May 2022. [pdf
  2. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Game theory of data-selling ransomware. Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, 10(1):65-96, March 2021. DOI: 10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.1013. [pdf]
  3. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, Hanghang Tong, Yifan Hu, Chaoli Wange, Chuang Lin, and Weihong Qian. Oniongraph: Hierarchical topology+attribute multivariate network visualization. Visual Informatics, Elsevier, 4(1):43-57, March 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.visinf.2020.01.002. [pdf]
  4. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, and Aaron D. Striegel. A game-theoretic analysis on the economic viability of mobile content pre-staging. Wireless Networks, 26(1):667-683, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11276-019-02176-3. [pdf]
  5. Xiaoying Yu and Qi Liao. Understanding user passwords through password prefix and postfix (p3) graph analysis and visualization. Springer International Journal of Information Security, 18(5):647-663, October 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10207-019-00432-3. [pdf]
  6. Tao Zhang and Qi Liao. Dynamic link anomaly analysis for network security management. Springer Journal of Network and Systems Management, 27(3):600-624, July 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s10922-018-9478-8. [pdf]
  7. Qi Liao, Ting Li, and Benjamin A. Blakely. Anomaly analysis and visualization for dynamic networks through spatiotemporal graph segmentations. Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 124:63-79, December 2018. [pdf]
  8. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Economic solutions to improve cybersecurity of governments and smart cities via vulnerability markets. Government Information Quarterly, 35(1):151-160, January 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.giq.2017.10.006. [pdf]
  9. Qi Liao and Ting Li. Effective network management via dynamic network anomaly visualization. International Journal of Network Management, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 26(6):461-491, Nov 2016, DOI: 10.1002/nem.1945. [pdf] [video]
  10. Xiaoying Yu and Qi Liao. User password repetitive patterns analysis and visualization. Information and Computer Security, 24(1):93-115, 2016. Outstanding Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence. [pdf] [video]
  11. Ian Turk, Matthew Sinda, Xin'An Zhou, Jun Tao, Chaoli Wang, and Qi Liao. Exploration of linked anomalies in sensor data for suspicious behavior detection. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 10(3), 2016. [pdf]
  12. Lei Shi, Chen Wang, Zhen Wen, Huamin Qu, Chuang Lin, and Qi Liao. 1.5D egocentric dynamic network visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 21(5):624-637, May 2015. [pdf]
  13. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Network pricing: can both ISP and P2P benefit? International Journal of Network Management, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 24(6):433-449, November/December 2014, DOI: 10.1002/nem.1869. [pdf]
  14. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Toward a monopoly botnet market. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective - Cybercrimes, Secure Emerging Web Environments, and Digital Forensics, Taylor & Francis., 23(4-6):159-171, October 2014, DOI:10.1080/19393555.2014.931488. [pdf]
  15. Tao Zhang, Qi Liao, Lei Shi, and Weishan Dong. Analyzing spatiotemporal anomalies through interactive visualization. Informatics (Special Issue Interactive Visualizations: Design, Technologies, and Applications), 1(1):100-125, June 2014, doi:10.3390/informatics1010100. [pdf] [video]
  16. Qi Liao and Zhen Li. "Portfolio optimization of computer and mobile botnets". Springer International Journal of Information Security, 13(1):1-14, 2014. [pdf]
  17. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, and Chen Wang. "Visual analysis of large-scale network anomalies". IBM Journal of Research and Development, SI: Massive-Scale Analytics, 57(3/4):13:1-13:12, May-July 2013. [pdf]
  18. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, and Chuang Lin. "Survey on transformation-based large graph visualization". Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 25(3), March 2013. [pdf]
  19. Qi Liao, Zhen Li, and Aaron Striegel. "Could
    firewall rules be public -- a game theoretical perspective.
    Journal of Security and Communication Networks, Wiley InterScience, Volume 5, Issue 2, page 197-210, January 2012, doi: 10.1002/sec.307. [pdf]
  20. John Byers, Jeffrey Mogul, Qi Liao, and et al. "Report on the SIGCOMM 2011 Conference." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), Volume 42, Number 1, January, 2012, doi: 10.1145/2096149.2096162. [pdf]
  21. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, Andrew Blaich, and Aaron Striegel, "Fighting Botnets with Economic Uncertainty.Journal of Security and Communication Networks, Wiley InterScience, Volume 4, Issue 10, page 1104-1113, October 2011, doi: 10.1002/sec.235. [pdf]
  22. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, Yuan He, Rui Li, Zhong Su, Aaron Striegel, and Yunhao Liu. "Visualizing anomalies in sensor networks." ACM Computer Communication Review (CCR), Volume 41, Issue 4, page 460-461, August 2011, doi: 10.1145/2043164.2018521. [pdf] [video]
  23. Qi Liao, Andrew Blaich, Dirk VanBruggen, and Aaron Striegel. "Managing networks through context: Graph visualization and exploration." Computer Networks, Special Issue: Managing Emerging Computing Environments, Volume 54, Number 16, pages 2809-2824, November 15, 2010, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2010.07.015. [pdf]
  24. Qi Liao, David A. Cieslak, Aaron D. Striegel, Nitesh V. Chawla, "Using Selective, Short-Term Memory to Improve Resilience versus DDoS Exhaustion Attacks," the Journal of Security and Communication Networks, Volume 1, Issue 4, Wiley InterScience, page 287-299, July/August 2008, doi: 10.1002/sec.22. [pdf]
  25. C. Mano, A. Blaich, Q. Liao, Y. Jiang, D. Cieslak, D. Salyers, A. Striegel, "RIPPS: Rogue Identifying Packet Payload Slicer Detecting Unauthorized Wireless Hosts Through Network Traffic Conditioning," ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), Volume 11, Issue 2, page 1-23, May 2008, doi: 10.1145/1330332.1330334. [pdf]


Conference Proceedings:

  1. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Does cyber-insurance benefit the insured or the attacker? – a game of cyber-insurance. In 14th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), pages 1–20, Avignon, France, October 18-20 2023. [pdf]
  2. Jonathan Gregory and Qi Liao. Adversarial spam generation using adaptive gradient-based word embedding perturbations. In IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet of Things, (AIBThings), pages 1–5, Central Michigan University, USA, September 16-17 2023. [pdf]
  3. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Game theory of cheating autonomous vehicles. In IEEE International Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trust for Connected Autonomous Vehicles (MOSEC), pages 231-236, Detroit, MI, May 17-19 2023. [pdf]
  4. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Ransomware 2.0: To sell, or not to sell. a game-theoretical model of data-selling ransomware. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) - 9th ACM International Workshop on Cyber Crime (IWCC), number 59, pages 1-9, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-28 2020. [pdf]
  5. Bhargav Kuchipudi, Ravi Teja Nannapaneni, and Qi Liao. Adversarial machine learning for spam filters. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) - 15th ACM International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES), number 38, pages 1-6, Dublin, Ireland, August 25-28 2020. [pdf]
  6. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Harnessing uncertainty in vulnerability market. In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Hangzhou, China, July 30 - August 2 2018. [pdf]
  7. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Toward socially optimal bitcoin mining. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), Zhengzhou, China, July 20-22 2018. [pdf]
  8. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Captcha: Machine or human solvers? a game-theoretical analysis. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), Shanghai, China, June 22-24 2018. [pdf]
  9. Matthew Sinda and Qi Liao. Spatial-temporal anomaly detection using security visual analytics via entropy graph and eigen matrix. In Proceedings of the IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 15th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 3rd Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec 2017), Orlando, Florida, November 6-11 2017. [pdf]
  10. Ian Turk, Matthew Sinda, Xin'An Zhou, Jun Tao, Chaoli Wang, and Qi Liao. Exploration of linked anomalies in sensor data for suspicious behavior detection. In Workshop on DAta mining meets Visual Analytics at big data era (DAVA) in conjunction with CIKM 2016, Indianapolis, IN, October 28 2016. [pdf] [video]
  11. Matthew Sinda, Ian Turk, Jun Tao, Qi Liao, Chaoli Wang, and Lei Shi. Dynamic employee and sensor visualization. In IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge Workshop, VisWeek'16, Baltimore, MD, October 23-28 2016.
  12. Ting Li and Qi Liao. Dynamic networks analysis and visualization through spatiotemporal link segmentation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis, Chengdu, China, July 5-7 2016. BEST SESSION PAPER [pdf] [video]
  13. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. An economic alternative to improve cybersecurity of e-government and smart cities. In Proceedings of the17th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2016), pages 455-464, Shanghai, China, June 8-10 2016. [pdf]
  14. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, and Aaron D. Striegel. On the economics of mobile content pre-staging. In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) - The Fifth IEEE Workshop on Smart Data Pricing (SDP), San Francisco, April 11 2016. [pdf]
  15. Ting Li and Qi Liao. Dynamic dinofun world communication graph. In IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge Workshop, VisWeek'15, pages 163-164, Chicago, IL, October 25-30 2015. [pdf]
  16. Qi Liao, Zhen Li, and Aaron Striegel. Is more P2P always bad for ISPs? An analysis of P2P and ISP business models. In Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN) - the First International Workshop on Hot Topics in Big Data and Networking (HotData I), pages 1-6, Shanghai, China, August 4-7 2014. [pdf]
  17. Qi Liao. Network graph anomaly analysis and security visualization (poster). In AFCEA Command, Control, Communications, Cyber and Intelligence (C4I) Technology Review Days and Exposition, Utica, NY, June 10-11 2014.
  18. Tao Zhang, Qi Liao, and Lei Shi. Bridging the gap of network management and anomaly detection through interactive visualization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), pages 253-257, Yokohama, Japan, March 4-7 2014. [pdf] [video]
  19. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, Hanghang Tong, Yifan Hu, Yue Zhao, and Chuang Lin. Hierarchical focus+context heterogeneous network visualization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), pages 89-96, Yokohama, Japan, March 4-7 2014. [pdf]
  20. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, Xiaohua Sun, Yarui Chen, and Chuang Lin. "Scalable network traffic visualization using compressed graphs". In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2013), pages 606-612, Santa Clara, CA, October 6-9 2013. [pdf] [video]
  21. Tao Zhang, Qi Liao, and Lei Shi. Generic anomaly visualization for daily network security administration - VAST 2013 mini challenge 3. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge Workshop, VisWeek'13, Atlanta, GA, October 13-18 2013.
  22. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, Xiaohua Sun, Yarui Chen, and Chuang Lin. "Visualize large-scale networks with structural equivalence" (poster paper). In The 4th Visualization Workshop, Beijing, China, July 12-13 2013. [pdf]
  23. Tao Zhang, Qi Liao, Lei Shi, and Weishan Dong. "Spatiotemporal anomaly visualization for large- scale dynamic networks" (poaster paper). In The 4th Visualization Workshop, Beijing, China, July 12-13 2013. [pdf]
  24. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, and Chuang Lin. "Scalable network traffic visualization by structural equivalence grouping". In International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference (INSNA), Xi'an, China, July 12-15 2013.
  25. Tao Zhang, Gongzhu Hu, and Qi Liao. "Analysis of offense tactics of basketball games using link prediction". In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, pages 207-212, Niigata, Japan, June 16-20, 2013. [pdf]
  26. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, and Xiaohua Sun. "Anomaly analysis and visualization through compressed graphs" (poster abstract). In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Large-Scale Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV '12), VisWeek'12, Seattle, WA, October 14-15 2012. [pdf] [poster]
  27. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, and Chunxin Yang. "Investigating network traffic through compressed graph visualization - VAST 2012 mini challenge 2 Award: Good adaptation of graph analysis techniques". In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2012) Challenge Workshop, VisWeek'12, Seattle, WA, October 14-19 2012. [pdf] [poster]
  28. Tao Zhang, Qi Liao, and Lei Shi. "3D anomaly bar visualization for large-scale network - VAST 2012 mini challenge 1". In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2012) Challenge Workshop, VisWeek'12, Seattle, WA, October 14-19 2012. [pdf] [poster]
  29. Qi Liao and Aaron Striegel. "Intelligent Network Management Using Graph Differential Anomaly Visualization." Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'12), pages 1008-1014, Maui, HI, April 16-20, 2012, doi: 10.1109/NOMS.2012.6212022. [pdf] [slides] [video]
  30. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, Yuan He, Rui Li, Aaron Striegel, and Zhong Su. "SAVE: Sensor Anomaly Visualization Engine." In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2011), VisWeek 2011, pages 201-210, Providence, RI, October 23-28, 2011, doi: 10.1109/VAST.2011.6102458. [pdf] [video]
  31. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, Weihong Qian, and Su Zhong. "Network Security and Anomaly Visualization - VAST 2011 Mini Challenge #2." In the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2011) Compendium, VisWeek 2011, Providence, RI, October 23-28, 2011. [pdf]
  32. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, Yuan He, Rui Li, Zhong Su, Aaron Striegel, and Yunhao Liu. "Visualizing anomalies in sensor networks" (demo abstract). In Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM '11), Toronto, ON, Canada, August 15-19 2011. [pdf]
  33. Qi Liao, Lei Shi, Yuan He, Zhong Su, and Aaron Striegel. "Spatiotemporal visual analysis of sensor networks in the wild," (poster). In IEEE Pacific Visualization (PacificVis '11), Hong Kong, March 1-4 2011. [pdf][poster]
  34. Qi Liao, Aaron Striegel, and Nitesh Chawla. "Visualizing graph dynamics and similarity for enterprise network security and management," in Proceeding of the ACM 7th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec'10), in conjunction with RAID'10, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September 14 2010. [pdf]
  35. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, and Aaron Striegel. "Toward a socially optimal wireless spectrum management", In Fifth IEEE Workshop on Networking Technologies for Software-Defined Radio and White Space, held in Conjunction with IEEE SECON, Boston, Massachusetts, June 21 2010, doi: 10.1109/SDR.2010.5507923. [pdf]
  36. Jordan Brindza, Jessica Szweda, Qi Liao, Yingxin Jiang, and Aaron Striegel, "WiiLab: Bringing Together the Nintendo Wiimote and MATLAB," In Proceeding of 39th ASEE/IEEE International Conference on Frontiers In Education (FIE '09), Session W1J: Laboratory Innovations to Promote Learning, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-21, 2009, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2009.5350509. [pdf]
  37. Qi Liao, Zhen Li, and Aaron Striegel, "Information Game of Public Firewall Rules," the Fifth Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSEC '09) in conjunction with the 17th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '09), Princeton, NJ, October 13-16, 2009, doi: 10.1109/NPSEC.2009.5342253. [pdf]
  38. Qi Liao, Dirk VanBruggen, Andrew Blaich, and Aaron Striegel, "Visual exploration and analysis on hosts, users and applications in enterprise networks," The 6th International Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec '09) co-located with IEEE VisWeek 2009, Atlantic City, NJ, October 11 2009.[pdf]
  39. Qi Liao, Andrew Blaich, Aaron Striegel, Douglas Thain, "ENAVis: Enterprise Network Activities Visualization," In Proceedings of the USENIX 22nd Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '08), San Diego, CA, November 9-14, 2008. [pdf] [ppt] [videoUSENIX BEST PAPER AWARD!
  40. Andrew Blaich, Qi Liao, Aaron Striegel and Douglas Thain, "Simplifying Network Management with Lockdown," Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS '08), Pittsburgh, PA, July 23-25, 2008. [pdf]
  41. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, Aaron Striegel, "Botnet Economics: Uncertainty Matters," In Proceedings of Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS '08), Hanover, New Hampshire, June 25-28, 2008, doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-09762-6 12. [pdf]
  42. Chad D. Mano, David C. Salyers, Qi Liao, Andrew Blaich, Aaron Striegel, "SAABCOT: Secure Application-Agnostic Bandwidth COnservation Techniques" (invited paper), In Proceedings of IEEE Fourth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (BroadNets '07), Raleigh, North Carolina, September 10-14, 2007, doi: 10.1109/BROADNETS.2007.4550480. [pdf]
  43. Andrew Blaich, Qi Liao, Brian Sullivan, Greg Allan, Aaron Striegel, Douglas Thain, "Lockdown: Distributed Policy Analysis and Enforcement within the Enterprise Network," The 16th USENIX Security Symposium, Boston, MA, August 6-10, 2007.[pdf]

Other Conference Presentations:

  1. Matthew Sinda and Qi Liao. Spatial temporal anomaly detection. In the 24th Annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 19 2017.
  2. Ting Li and Qi Liao. Dynamic network analysis through graph visualization and network overviews. In The 23nd Annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 20 2016.
  3. Xiaoying Yu and Qi Liao. Password analysis and visualization (prefix and suffix). In The 23nd Annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 20 2016.
  4. Ting Li and Qi Liao. Network anomaly visualization tool. In The 22nd Annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 22 2015.
  5. Xiaoying Yu and Qi Liao. Password analysis and visualization (repetitive patterns). In The 22nd Annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 22 2015.
  6. Qi Liao. Visual analytics for dynamic network graph link anomalies. In The Air Force Research Laboratory Poster Exposition, Bldg 3 Urtz Conference Room, Rome, NY, July 15 2014.
  7. Tao Zhang and Qi Liao. Bridging the gap of network management and anomaly detection through interactive visualization. In The 21st annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 16 2014.
  8. Tao Zhang and Qi Liao. Spatiotemporal anomaly visualization for large-scale dynamic networks. In The 20th annual Student Research & Creative Endeavors Exhibition (SRCEE), Central Michigan University, April 17 2013.

Tech Reports:

  1. Keesook J. Han, Tao Zhang, and Qi Liao. Data stream mining based dynamic link anomaly analysis using paired sliding time window data. Final Technical Report. Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. 88ABW-2014-5054, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Oct. 31 2014. [pdf]
  2. Lei Shi, Qi Liao, and Xiaohua Sun. Graph visualization through collaborative node grouping. Technical Report ISCAS-VIS-12-1, Chinese Academic of Sciences, 2012.
  3. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, and Aaron Striegel, "Toward A Socially Optimal Wireless Spectrum Management," University of Notre Dame, TR-2010-01, February, 2010. [pdf]
  4. A.Blaich, Q. Liao, B. Sullivan, A. Striegel, D. Thain, T. Wright, "Lockdown: Simplifying Enterprise Network Management with Local Context," University of Notre Dame, TR-2007-05, November, 2007. [pdf]

Book Chapters:

  1. Zhen Li and Qi Liao. Decision and Game Theory for Security, volume 14167 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, chapter Does Cyber-Insurance Benefit the Insured or the Attacker? – A Game of Cyber-Insurance, pages XXIX, 390. Springer, ISBN: 9783031506697, December 29 2023. [pdf]
  2. Lei Shi, Yifan Hu, and Qi Liao. Big Data of Complex Networks, chapter Big Data Visualization for Large Complex Networks. CRC Press, ISBN: 9781498723619, August, 2016. [pdf]
  3. Zhen Li, Qi Liao, and Aaron Striegel. Managing Information Risk and the Economics of Security (Hardcover), Editor: Eric M. Johnson, chapter Botnet Economics: Uncertainty Matters, pages 245{267. Springer, ISBN: 0387097619, 2009. [pdf]

National Competition:

  1. Andrew Blaich, Qi Liao, Aaron Striegel, and Douglas Thain. Enavis: Enterprise network activities visualization -- Second Prize Winner. In The Third Annual National Security Innovation Competition (NSIC'09), MITRE facility, Colorado Springs, CO, 2009.
  • Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 2011
  • M.S., Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 2008
  • B.S., Computer Science, Hartwick College, 2005
  • Computer and Network Security
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Visual Analytics
  • Economics and Game Theory of Networks and Cybersecurity